Chapter 44 - Eyes

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"Is there any news on Jenny Clark?" Buck asks at the front desk for the fifteenth time since they arrived. The nurse rolls her eyes as she checks the computer. To her surprise, there has finally been a change in Jenny's status.

"Actually, yes. She's out of surgery and in recovery. I can take you back to her if you'd like." the nurse says.

"Please." Buck says. The nurse stands from her desk and motions for him to follow down the hallway and into Jenny's room. She stops in front of a small room and nods. "Here you are."

"Buck." Jenny says softly as Buck enters the door.

"Jenny! What are you doing in California?" Buck asks as he runs to her bedside, "Why didn't you tell me that you were here?"

"You're my ex, Evan, I wasn't planning on telling you... I came to see friends... Introduce them to Jamie..." Jenny looks around, "Oh my god. WHERE'S JAMIE?"

"Jenny, calm down. Who is Jamie?" Buck asks, placing his hand on her wrist.

"Jamie is my girlfriend. I met her after I moved to Texas. She's the daughter of Captain Strand of Austin Fire." Jenny says frantically. 

"Nurse, is there any record of an Jamie Strand?" Buck asks as he runs out of the room to the nurses' station. She looks down at her clipboard and shakes her head no.

"Oh my god." Buck says and glances back in at Jenny, who's room is about five doors down.

"What?" Jenny asks frantically, staring back at him.

"I'll be back." Buck says as he runs out to the lobby, "We need to go back to the accident."

"What? What do you mean, Buck?" Bobby asks, he turns around to face Buck.

"There's someone missing." Buck pants.

"How do you know?" Bobby asks.

"Jenny asked about her and when I talked to the nurses they said they had no record of her being here." Buck explains.

"Who is it?" Eddie asks.

"Jenny's girlfriend, Jamie Strand." Buck looks at them almost out of breath.

"You mean..." Bobby starts as Buck cuts him off.

"Captain Strand's daughter." Buck looks at Bobby.

"You heard the man." Bobby looks around, "Let's go."

"Me too?" Addie points at herself.

"I know you're not an EMT or a firefighter, but yes. You too. We need as many eyes as we can get." Bobby looks at Addie, she nods. Bobby runs to the fire truck and everyone else quickly follows.

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