Chapter 26 - Planning

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"Man is it good to be back." Chimney claps his hands together as he walks into the station for the first time since the accident.

"How the hell do you always recover from major surgery in a month? Are you even human? You're an alien, aren't you?" Buck asks from upstairs.

"Nah. Chim's not an alien. He's a super hero. He fell into a vat of radioactive waste or something. He's invincible." Eddie laughs as he walks up behind Chimney.

"You got that right." Hen chuckles.

"I'm not invincible. If I were, I wouldn't keep needing surgeries." Chimney laughs.

"Whatever you say." Eddie smirks.

"So... How's Addie?" Buck asks, with a sly smile on his face.

"Addie is good. She gets her cast off on Thursday." Chimney says.

"No... Like HOW is Addie?" Buck smirks as he comes down the stairs.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Chimney looks confused.

"Come on. You've been living together. You can't tell me you haven't had a little bit of fun." Buck puts his arm around Chimney's shoulder.

"I don't think that's any of your business." Chimney blushes.

"It's hot, isn't it?" Buck says, "Your bright red face says it all. Get it, Chim!"

"Alright, alright. I don't want to be hearing this." Bobby says as he walks out of his office.

"Sorry, cap." Buck says.

"Oh my god." Chimney walks towards the locker room.

"Chim. Don't worry about Buck, remember? Or did you forget this time?" Hen laughs.

"Forget what?" Buck asks.

"How dumb you can be." Eddie chuckles.

"Hey!" Buck looks at Eddie, "I don't try to be dumb. I try to care."

"And sometimes you care about things too much." Chimney sighs, "You don't need to know about my love life."

"This is so awkward." Bobby walks back into his office.

"Anyways... How's the wedding planning going, Mr. Buckley?" Chimney smirks.

"Honestly, I haven't done much... Jenny thinks I'll forget to invite someone or something... All she lets me do is lick the envelopes... But let's be honest, I'm not mad that she's been doing all the planning." Buck sits down on the bench.

"Oh that's not gonna end well..." Chimney laughs.

"What do you mean?" Buck looks confused.

"Come on... You can't seriously think that she's alright doing it all by herself, right?" Hen asks.

"She said she is." Buck looks at her.

"Believe me, she's not... No woman ever is. They all say that." Eddie says.

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