Chapter 83 - As Can Be

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"Hey, Addie..." Athena says softly, standing in the doorway of Addie's hospital room the next morning.

"Oh! Hi, Athena." Addie says, as she slowly lifts herself into a sitting position.

"Can I come in?" Athena asks, looking down at her hands.

"Sure." Addie watches as Athena slowly walks over and sits in the chair next to the bed.

"I wanted to apologize..." Athena looks up from her hands.

"Apologize for what? You apologized yesterday." Addie looks at Athena, confused.

"I know... But we were in front of everyone. It just didn't sit right with me. I needed to apologize to just you... I know that what happened yesterday was exactly what you were afraid of." Athena sighs, "I need to own up to that, and not just because there are people around."

"It's alright, Athena. I promise. I'm alive. You're alive." Addie says, "And besides. I didn't think that you apologized because there were people around."

"But it happened because I hesitated." Athena says, as a tear drips down her cheek.

"Athena. Please don't cry. I promise. I'm not mad at you. You're still my aunt. I still love you." Addie puts her hand on Athena's shoulder.

"Are you sure?" Athena smirks, "Because you don't have to claim me as an aunt anymore."

"I'm sure. Of course I still claim you." Addie laughs.

"Whenever you get better... If you want a different partner, I would totally understand." Athena sighs.

"I don't want a different partner. I want you." Addie looks at her.

"Really?" Athena smiles.

"Really." Addie says.

"So... A baby, huh?" Athena asks.

"A baby." Addie chuckles.

"That's crazy... I'm excited for you." Athena says.

"Thanks, Athena." Addie says.

"Did you plan on it?" Athena looks at her.

"No... Not at all." Addie smirks, "But I'm excited."

"That's good." Athena says.

"Oh! Good morning, Athena." Chimney says surprised as he walks in the room.

"I can leave..." Athena starts to stand up.

"No. It's fine... Please, stay." Chimney smiles.

"If you're sure." Athena hesitantly sits down.

"I'm sure, Athena." Chimney says.

"Ok. Great." Athena says.

"How's my girl?" Chimney walks over to the bedside and kisses Addie's cheek.

"I'm alright." Addie shrugs, "As alright as I can be."

"Are you in any pain?" Chimney asks, gently sitting on the side of the bed.

"No. I'm fine." Addie says.

"Are you sure?" Chimney stares at her.

"Yes, Chim. I'm sure." Addie chuckles.

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