Chapter 66 - Walk Away

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"So what's it like in LA?" Marjan asks, walking across the living room of Owen's house. 

"It's pretty great. The crazies definitely keep us busy at work." Chimney laughs. 

"You think you've got it bad, Mr. Firefighter? Try being a cop having to deal with the crazies." Addie smirks. 

"You don't have to deal with them when they are being belligerent and uncooperative in the ambulance." Chimney says. 

"No, but I do before they go in and after they come out." Addie shrugs. 

"I couldn't begin to imagine how it is being a cop there." Carlos shakes his head. 

"I mean, it's probably pretty similar to here." Addie says. 

"Fair." Carlos smiles, "Just not as many star crazed fans trying to get to their favorite celebrity's house." 

"I heard Athena had one hell of a call a while back. Something about getting beat up?" Owen asks. 

"Wait what?!" Addie turns to Chimney. 

"Did they not tell you about that?" Chimney looks at Addie. 

"No." Addie says. 

"Oh, I thought your uncle would have told you..." Chimney sighs. 

"Tell me what?! What happened to her?" Addie asks as she turns towards Chimney. 

 "Yeah... Uh... Well, about six months before you moved here Athena went in an old warehouse by herself, because she thought a suspect might be in there, and he beat her pretty bad. The worst part is, her radio got left on so Bobby heard the whole thing. I mean we all did, but it was hardest on Bobby." Chimney said. 

"I could imagine why. I don't know how it wouldn't be hard to hear your wife go through that." TK says. 

"I assume that means she is doing pretty well then if you didn't even know it happened." Owen says, trying to make the situation a little less gloomy. 

"I guess so... But I'm her partner... Why wouldn't she tell me?" Addie looks around.

"Maybe it was too hard for her to think about?" Mateo shrugs as he gets up and walks to the kitchen. 

"Yeah... That's probably it." Chimney says awkwardly, "I really am sorry... I thought you knew."

"Nope. No one said a word about it." Addie crosses her arms as the baby begins to cry, "I've got to go get Kevin."

"Addie." Chimney says as Addie stands up and walks away, "Addie. Wait." 

"Anyone wants chips?" Mateo appears in the kitchen door way holding a big bowl of potato chips.

"Why yes, Mateo. Make yourself at home." Owen laughs. 

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