Chapter 23 - The Creep

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Aoyama? How the hell did he get my phone number? What the fuck. I don't have time to deal with him.

Akito Aoyama. An annoying ass guy I used to go to school with. We were in the same class, seats right next to each other. I had just transferred to that school since my father got a new job again. The teacher decided to start my misfortune by placing me next to a certain someone.


"Alright y/n, thank you for introducing yourself." My teacher exclaims. "Now I'm going to have you sit in the back, right next to Akito Aoyama over there."

She motions to a seat in the back where a boy with long silver hair tied back into a ponytail and sparkling blue eyes is waving to me to indicate he is indeed, Akito Aoyama.

Is he really allowed to have his hair that long? I guess so?

I sit down and take out my notebook along with everyone else. After a few minutes of writing a folded up paper lands on my desk. I eye it then look to me left at Aoyama. He pretends he doesn't see me looking at him and I look back at the note.

The teacher is facing the board so I should be clear to open this up.

I open up the paper as quietly as possible and it reads:

"Hey y/n is it? I hope I got that right. You seem pretty chill. Want to hang out after school? ;) - Aoyama <3"

This dude screams douche vibes but I don't know anyone here so I guess I should hang with anyone who's interested.

I grab my pencil and write down my response. I fold it back up and quickly throw it back on his desk when the teacher isn't looking.


"Y/n!" I turn around and see Aoyama waving at me and running over to me. "I th- thought you said you wanted to h... hang out after sch- school."

He is so out of breath. It's like he ran through the entire school to find me.

"I did." I reply.

"Then why didn't you wait for me??" He asks and gives me sad puppy dog guys.

"Shouldn't have taken so long." I reply and he still does a sad face.

Something about this guy is off. He's definitely fake as hell.

"I've never had a girl talk to me like that before." He says finally dropping the sad face and now with a face of interest on his face. "I knew you were intriguing..."

*End of Flashback*

I am going to kill whoever gave that goddamn creep my number.

I ignore his text and text Toritsuka instead.

"Do you want to hang out today? :)"

I set my phone down and as soon as I do it vibrates. I pick it up and I already have a reply.

"Of course princess ;)"

I grab my jacket and my bag. I let my mom know I'm leaving and my dad walks around the corner.

"Where are you going?" He asks curiously.

"To Reita's." I reply as I put on my shoes.

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