Chapter 16 - Still Jealous

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"You guys went on vacation together? Isn't that weird for two high schoolers? Why were your parents okay with you bringing Toritsuka on a trip with you guys? How did they even react to him? It couldn't have been good." Akechi asks an endless amount of questions.

"Look twerp," Toritsuka starts. "I was a gentleman when I was on that vacation."

"And how am I supposed to believe that?" Kusuo comes out of nowhere.

"Oh good morning Kusuo! How was your weekend? I had a lot of fun hanging out with you. I know you get annoyed by my presence but your mom saw me so it was too late for you to do anything." Akechi says.

"You really are evil." Kusuo exclaims.

"Hey guys! Good morning!" Kuboyasu runs over to us with Kaidou.

"NO RUNNING IN THE HALLS!" Sensei Matsuzaki yells.

"Sorry sensei." Kuboyasu and Kaidou apologize in unison. 

"Good morning guys!" I greet them and the others follow my lead.

"We actually wanted to tell you guys something." Kaidou said with a red face.

Are they finally admitting they're dating?

"Kaidou and I have started dating." Kuboyasu quickly admits. "We weren't sure how to say it but the truth just makes the most sense. I hope we can continue to be friends."

"Yes!" Toritsuka, Akechi, and I shout while Saiki rolls his eyes.

Kaidou smiles and Kuboyasu grabs his hand.

"You guys are so adorable." I saw with a grin on my face.

After talking a little more with everyone, Toritsuka and I part ways and head to class 2. 

"They are such a cute couple." I tell Toritsuka.

"Yeah but we're a cuter couple." He replies and gives me a kiss on the cheek. 

"REITA TORITSUKA! WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT HARASSING WOMEN?!" We turn around to fine Mikoto screaming. "Oh it's just you."

"What'd you think? Toritsuka would just start kissing other girls?" I ask.

"Well he kissed me at the Halloween party." Mikoto spats at me.

"That is not true in the slightest!" Toritsuka screeches. "I wouldn't want to kiss you in the first place! You dragged me away from y/n with no explanation, then you kept trying to make a move on me and I had to keep dodging you until you finally admitted that you somehow had feelings for me and then you cried your eyes out. After that fiasco I let you be and met back up with the others. I have no reason to be kissing you when I have a girlfriend, or ever for that matter."

"Why do you have to be such a bitch about it?" Mikoto shouts.

"Can you guys please quiet down..?" I ask softly.

"How am I being a bitch? You come running over to y/n and I when all we're trying to do is walk to class and start drama by excessively stretching the truth! I did not kiss you, I did not hug you, I did not touch you. Have you been brainwashed? Is Saiki messing with your mind? Because you're acting absolutely delusional." He retorts.

"That is a lie! You were touching me when I dragged you into the bedroom." She argues.

"Obviously, but that was against my will!" Toritsuka angrily says. 

"You didn't even struggle so clearly you liked it!" She yells back at Toritsuka.

"Seriously are you high?" Toritsuka says seriously. "Y/n was a witness. I was trying to get out of your grasp but you have some super-human strength apparently. Did you get another psychic power without telling any of the other psychics plus Akechi in this school?"

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