Chapter 15 - Final Day

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POV: Toritsuka

After y/n had knocked some guy at the beach unconscious we went on with our day! 

We probably should've informed someone of a guy passed out in the middle of the beach but y/n was afraid she'd get in major trouble so we decided against it. Well whatever. He was a douchebag anyways. I wonder what Saiki would do if he were here? Would he hide the body? Or leave it? Or use some sort of mind control to make him disinterested in us? I wish I had psychic powers..

"Are you ready to go in the water or what?" Y/n asks me and I wake up from my thoughts.

"Oh yeah!" I smile at her. "Let's dive in."

We wave at y/n's parents and let them know we're going in the water. They wave back and stay by our stuff to sun bathe. 

"The water is so cold." Y/n whines.

"That's why you're just supposed to jump right in!" I say and cannon ball into the water and splash y/n.

"Reita I am going to kill you!" Y/n jokingly scolds and gets in the water to splash me back.

We continue splashing water at each other until some surrounding people get annoyed by us. 


I know I've already seen Toritsuka with no shirt on, heck I've seen him naked, but it still gets me all flustered. For being pretty unathletic he sure has quite the body. When did I start thinking stuff like this? I'm really spending too much time with Reita.

We decide to get out of the water and head back over to my parents. 

I know my dad isn't at home much because of his business trips but he hasn't been too talkative. I mean sure, my mom has always been the one to start a conversation but my dad is quite the talker himself.. Well he is a little shy. Maybe he doesn't know how to talk to Reita? Actually I don't think any sane person knows how to talk to Reita.

"Hey kiddos." My mom smiles brightly.

I can't believe I'm getting used to this mind-controlled mother. It's actually really nice. I should thank Saiki again.

"Hello Mrs. l/n." Toritsuka says happily and grabs a towel to dry off.

"I was thinking we could get some ice cream then head off and do our own things. How does that sound?" My mother asks.

"That sounds great!" Toritsuka and I say in unison and my mother laughs.

"Now isn't that adorable right honey?" She asks my dad and he nods his head.

"Okay well let me pack all this back up into my bag and we can get out of here! Why don't you guys go change while I do that?" My mom asks us.

"Good idea." I say and Toritsuka and I grab our clothes and head over to the changing rooms.

POV: Y/N's Father

"Why are you so quiet?" My wife asks me.

"What do you mean?" I say grumpily.

"You've barely been interacting with either of those darling children!" She scolds me. 

"I just worry this boy might not be good for y/n." I admit.

"What? They are so in love anyone can tell." My wife says. "You can practically see hearts in their eyes every time they look at each other. And they're constantly holding hands and sneaking a kiss when they think I'm not looking. It's quite adorable."

I nod my head not entirely agreeing.

"Oh I get it now." My wife says with a smirk on her face. "You're sad y/n is growing up aren't you?"

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