Chapter 5 - Confessions and Confusion

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Toritsuka and I were walking home from school. He invited me over to his place and confessed he was in love with me. I told him I felt the same way and we decided to date.

My eyes open.

"Another weird dream." I whisper to myself.

Wait a minute. Where the hell am I?

I sit up and look around.

This is Toritsuka's place? Was that a dream?? Or did it actually happen? It had to be a dream. I must still be sleeping.

I close my eyes and open them again.

I'm still here.

Toritsuka is laying on the floor asleep with drool pouring out of his mouth.

That's kind of cute. And gross. That still doesn't explain why I'm in his bed though.

I get out of his bed and go looking for my phone. I open it to see a bunch of missed calls from my mom.

Uh oh. If I even try to go home there is no way I'll live passed today.

I instead decide to work on the homework I neglected to do last night. A few worksheets later Toritsuka start to stretch and opened his eyes.

"Sleeping on the floor is awful." He declared. 

He sat up and looked over at me. He looked for a little too long and I noticed I was not sitting in a very ladylike manner and my underwear was 100% visible. I immediately put my skirt down and sat properly. Toritsuka's face was all red and he looked pretty spaced out. 

"Perv." I complain.

"Says the one sitting like that." He winks at me.

I pretend to throw up and then put my homework back in my bag.

"What am I doing here?" I finally ask.

"Well you fell asleep in my arms and I didn't want to wake up your gorgeous face so I scooped you up, put you in my bed, and let you sleep." He smiled.

"And what did you do?" I gave him a suspicious look.

He looked confused until he realized what I was insinuating. 

"I didn't do anything!" His voiced cracked as he scream. "I can't believe you'd think that low of me."

"I'm just teasing." I replied only being half honest. 

POV: Toritsuka

I still can't believe a girl is in my bedroom. Not that we've even done anything but it's still surprising. Crap I'm staring at her again.

"So.." Y/n started. "It's Saturday. Do you want to spend the day together?"

My eyes lit up.

"Yes!" I screamed.

"Shut up it's still morning." She exclaimed.

"Sorry." I quickly apologized. 

I start to get undressed.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Y/n yelled.

"Well if we're gonna leave I need to change." I told her.

"Not while I'm still in the room!" She replied.

"Just face the other way then." I say.

She turns around and I change my clothes.

"I'm done." I announce and she turns back around. 

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