Chapter 17 - Psychics Reunite

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POV: Toritsuka

"You don't need y/n." Mikoto taunted me.

"You don't deserve her pervert." Saiki agreed.

"Go make out with a ghost or something." Mikoto sneered.

"G-guys?" I ask confused. "What has gotten into you?"

"Y/n's going to be mine." Mikoto laughs. "I'm going to steal her away from you!"

"Hey don't be selfish. Let me have y/n too!" Saiki argued.

"W-what the h-hell?!" I scream. "There is no way that's you Saiki or Mikoto. Wh-who are you people?"

"There she is now!" Mikoto smiles and runs away. I look to see where she's running and she's chasing after y/n.

"Stop! Stop it! LEAVE HER ALONE!" I scream but for some reason I can't run after them. 

Saiki teleports to y/n and Mikoto. Mikoto and Saiki force her into a hug and she doesn't resist at all. Actually she looks ecstatic about it. 

"I told you Toritsuka." Mikoto starts. "Y/n isn't interested in a sick creep like you.  She wants someone who will actually care about her feelings and respect her boundaries."


"Oh she doesn't mind." Saiki winks at me and gives y/n a peck on the cheek.

"SAIKI KUSUO WHAT IN THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" I scream as loudly as I possibly can at him.

"Don't be so dramatic." Saiki replies.

"Yeah Toritsuka. She was never yours in the first place. She only wants us." Mikoto smiles and gives y/n a kiss on her other cheek.

I throw up from the shock of having to witness something as awful as this. I try again to get over to them but I'm still paralyzed.

"I just want y/n. I just want y/n, I just want y/n!" I scream.

I open my eyes to find myself in my bed tightly hugging my pillow.

"That was all just a dream? That was fucking sick.. Why would I dream about something like that?" I ask myself still clinging to my pillow.

I woke up before my alarm but I was too scared to go back to sleep after that horrific nightmare. I took a long shower since I had the time.

Saiki wouldn't act like that ever. The very thought of a pervy Saiki never would have crossed my mind but here we are.

I get out of the shower and dry myself off. I make my way back into my room and get into my school uniform. Once I finish getting dressed (and calling myself sexy when I check myself out in the mirror) I check the time. 

"Shit I gotta go pick up y/n." I slide on my sandals and head out the door grabbing my school bag on the way out.

I need to stop thinking about that dream. Y/n would never leave me. Saiki would never get with y/n either. Mikoto on the other hand.........

I continue walking to y/n's house trying as hard as I can to forget about the dream. I finally make it to her house although it's not very far from the temple. I text her letting her now I'm here and she comes outside almost immediately. 

"Sorry I was stalking you from outside the window." She says pointing at the front window.

"That really turns me on y/n." I smirk at her.

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