Chapter 19 - Gift Shopping

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POV: Toritsuka

"Please Saiki you have to help me!" I beg. "You're such a great gift giver. Y/n loved the sweets you helped me pick out for her."

"Good grief. I have no interest in going shopping with you." Saiki responds.

"I will get you coffee jelly. I don't care how much I have to buy I just need your help." I plead.

"Are we really doing the same plot point as last time?" He asks annoyed.

"Plot point?" I ask confused.

"Nothing. Fine I'll help you." Saiki finally complies. "You're such a pain."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you-" I bow over and over again.

"Good grief, don't be obnoxious." Saiki sighs.

Y/n was going out to dinner with her family tonight so I had no other plans. I decided to hang with Saiki when I got the idea of going present shopping with him. He'd already went present shopping to avoid large crowds but I'm more last minute.

"Why did you wait so long to go present shopping for your poor girlfriend?" Saiki asks.

"Why is she my 'poor girlfriend?'" I ask.

"Because she has to go out with scum like you." Saiki responds emotionlessly.

"It's not like I'm forcing her!" I screech. "And I get too excited about presents. If I bought them early I'd either have her open them early or accidentally end up telling her what her gift was."

"Yeah that does sound like you." Saiki agreed.

"So where do you recommend we go?" I ask him.

"Good grief, you don't even have anywhere in mind?" He sighs. "You're a lost cause."

"I'm not sure what to get her! I have a bunch of ideas but I'm not made of money." I exclaim.

"Is everything you're thinking about really something you want to get her or?" He asks.

Maybe a cute skirt, some panties, oh! Maybe a blanket to keep at my house she can use if it's ever too cold.

"You are not buying y/n panties you pervert." Saiki blankly says.

"That was just a joke." I lie.

"You disgust me. I sometimes can't tell if I hate you or my brother more." Saiki mumbles.

"Wow that's rude Saiki. And it's obvious, you like me more." I smirk at him.

"Good grief." Saiki responds but doesn't disagree. "Do you have a place in mind yet?"

"Actually there's a department store around here right?" I ask.

"Yes.." Saiki replies.

"We can look and see if there's anything for my princess there!" I happily exclaim.

"Whatever." Saiki responds.


"Do we really have to go out to dinner?" I complain. "We have food at home."

"Yes we do." My mom insists. "It's good to have some family time while your father has some time off of work."

"Yeah don't you miss me?" My dad pretends to whine.

"Yeah I guess." I joke.

"Now go put on something nice." My mom tells the my father and I and we nod our heads.

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