Chapter 3 - New Neighbors

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"I had a really fun time with you today." I said to Toritsuka and took my last sip of coffee.

"Me too." Toritsuka agreed and smiled. "Do you want to walk home together?"

"I'd love to." I said.

I grabbed my school bag and got up. Toritsuka did the same and we started to head out. I opened up the door for him to grab.

"O-oh I'm sorry." He said when he grabbed the door.

"For what?" I asked confused.

"I-I should've held it open for you." He said pouting.

"Hey at least you're thinking about it." I said and smiled at him. "Really it's fine."

This is so weird. Everyone calls him this creepy perv and yes it is obvious he is but he's also really sweet and kind. I can't believe I'm actually spending time with someone and not hiding in my room crying about being lonely. I mean-

"Which way to your house?" Toritsuka asked.

"We go down this street!" I say pointing to the street sign.

"You can lead the way." He smiled and let me take the lead.

POV: Toritsuka

There are so many things I want to ask her but I forget how to talk around her. I want to be her boyfriend so bad but then she'll know how desperate I am. That's never bothered me before but with her it feels different. I don't want her to think I'm crazy.

"Well, you are so.." Saiki said telepathically.

"Saiki go away!" I thought.

"No." Saiki spoke telepathically again. "I still don't trust you alone with a girl."

I don't care if Saiki hears my thoughts. All the matter is I'm going to become this girl's boyfriend even if it kills me.

"Toritsuka?" Y/n called looking at me.

"Oh y-yeah what?" I asked.

Had she been calling my name for awhile? How long was I in my head for?

"We're almost at my place." She said.

"Wow that was fast!" I exclaimed. "Hey wait almost at your place?"

"Yes.." She said looking puzzled.

"So you live on this street?" I asked.

"Yes." Y/n replied still looking confused.

"I live on this street." I said confused too.

"Really? Wow we live really close!" Y/n said with bright eyes. "We should walk to school together! Wait I'm sorry. Is that weird?"

"I don't think it's weird at all!" I practically shouted.

"Yay!" Y/n said. "Well my house is right here so-"

"You're kidding?" I exclaimed shocked.

"What?" Y/n asked.

"I just live further down the street. I just thought it was funny we lived in the same area." I smiled.

"Which house is yours?" Y/n asked me.

"I live at the temple. It's a bit further down. More of a woodsy looking area." I informed her. "But I can always meet you at your place in the morning. I-if you do want to walk together?"

"Sounds great." She smiled.

I don't know what we're supposed to do now. We're in front of her house and we're leaving. Do I just wave goodbye? Do I say "see ya tomorrow?" Do I kiss her-

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