Author's Note

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[You can ignore this now! I just don't want to delete it-]

Hi kings and queens! Thank you so, so much for reading this story. It was my first work on Wattpad and it was such a wonderful experience. I'd get so happy seeing people commenting, voting, and messaging me when I would log in. Some of your messages were so sweet it would make me cry. Others commented really outrageous and hilarious things that would make me laugh so hard. Thank you to anyone who interacted with this story in any way. I wasn't sure anyone would really read it but here we are with a few thousand of you so thank you for sticking with me.

I know a lot of you are probably upset but do not fret! I'm just as sad as you are that this story is ending but this is not technically the end. I want to try and focus and/or start some new kinds of stories. I'm hoping you guys can continue supporting me during that time. I worry that if I continue to write this it won't be my best and I don't want to give you guys chapters with zero effort and thought put into them. I want to write something I think you guys will thoroughly enjoy. 

I'd also like to reiterate that I am going to continue this story. This is just a "part 1" of what is yet to come. I just want to dive into some new stories with new characters! I still absolutely love Toritsuka, he's my comfort character after all, but there's other Saiki K characters I want to put in the spotlight too as well as characters from different fandoms.

If you guys have any suggestions for new "character x reader" stories please let me know! I'm also trying to venture in "character x character" stories as well so if you ship any characters I might write about them! I'm only going to write about anime I've seen as I know the storyline and I have a deeper understanding of the characters. If you want to know what I've seen check out my MAL account! The link to my profile is if you want to check it out! (You have to copy and paste the link because Wattpad wouldn't let me put a real link.)

I'd also like to thank you guys for over 10k views on this story! (I wrote this a week or so ago and now it has 13k?! You guys are amazing!) I pretty much only see hate for Toritsuka so it was really nice to find so many of you to stumble across this story. I'm so glad I could find more Toritsuka stans/simps like me. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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