Chapter 1 - Transfer Student

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I hate starting a new school, especially in the middle of the school year. I wish my dad wouldn't have to keep getting new jobs all over the country.. It makes any relationship impossible to stick. I think he said that we'd be staying here for a long time now so maybe this will be my opportunity to make some new friends! 

I'm going to be at PK Academy. I can't believe I only have half of my 2nd year of high school left. The girl's uniforms are super cute. At least I don't have to pout about wearing something ugly every day. As if I didn't already have to wear uniforms at my old schools.. Whatever I need to be more positive! Oh wow I can already see the school! That walk went by so fast. Wait why is there a limo in front of the school?

"Move out of my way plebs." A grey haired kid said as he passed through students to get to the front of the school building.


"Saiko is so annoying. Why does he even still go here? Teruhashi will never like a guy like that anyway." A black haired boy said.

Who is Saiko and Teruhashi? I wonder if we're in the same grade. I guess I should head to class before I'm late. Oh perfect! I see my room number.

"Hello y/n!" My teacher greets me.

"Hi." I say kind of quietly.

My teacher waves her hand out so that I stand next to her.

"Good morning class!" The class just stares blankly back at our teacher. "Today we have a new student. This is y/n. Y/n you can go sit next to Toritsuka. That'll be your assigned seat."

A purple haired boys eyes light up as he waves and slaps the empty desk next to his. 

I guess that's Toritsuka..

I sat down and put on my bag underneath my seat. I could feel eyes on me and turned around to Toritsuka staring directly at me. Well, more at my cleavage that is. He blushed when I made eye contact and immediately looked away.


The teacher was having us write down notes but since she was facing the board most people weren't even doing anything. I didn't want to fall behind since I already came to a new school at a weird time so I took my notes. I felt Toritsuka's eyes on me but I ignored him.

"Hey... y/n was it?" Toritsuka questioned.

"That's my name yes." I said in an annoyed voice.

"I-I just wanted to say you're really pretty and I was wondering if you had a boyfriend? and what do you like to do? and what size are your- I mean I-" Torituska spat.

"Look, this is my first day and I really don't want to fall behind. I need to take these notes." I say and focus on my notebook again.

"Oh uh okay." Torituska said obviously sad.

I feel kind of bad. Even though he's definitely a perv he seems like a nice guy. Wait, this could be my chance to make a new friend! I'll try and meet up with him after class.

POV: Torituska

Oh my god the new girl is soooo pretty. And she's so studious wow how cute. Maybe if we got together she'd let me see her- I mean help me study... I should talk to Saiki! He'd know how to help me. I mean we all know I drool over every girl that walks by me but something feels different about y/n. 

The bell rings.

I run out of the classroom so I can get to Saiki as soon as possible. I stand at the door until he walks out. 

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