Chapter 4

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Another day had arrived in the Black Bulls base and it was normal. Magna took Asta on a base tour and it was fun. Asta did his usual routine of 5k pushups and situps after the tour. He was peacefully training when he suddenly heard loud noises in the forest. He sneaked to where the sound came and he saw Noelle sending water balls to a mark that she made. "I need Nozel to acknowledge me. I need to prove them that I am not useless!" Noelle said as she struggles to breath due to fatigue.

"Elle, take a break." Asta showed up to Noelle and gave her water. "Huh? I can still do it!" Noelle said as she fired more water. "You have an immense amount of mana. I'm totally jealous." Asta said. "Your powers are too good, why are you jealous of my bad magic?" Noelle asked. "It's not like that. Yes I do like my magic but I also want to feel how it's like to have mana." Asta replied. "How'd you know that I have that many mana?" Noelle asked. "The amount of water you've been throwing is too many." Asta said. "I don't know what to do with ny powers, I can't control them well." Noelle said. "Then we'll train together! I'll help you with it!" Asta said with a bright smile.

"Remember that you still don't have my respect even though you have a four-leaf grimoire." Klaus said to Yuno as he brought Yuno to his room.

*1 week time skip*
"Asta! Noelle! You guys have a mission!" Yami shouted from the dinner room as the 2 responded quickly and went to Yami. "You guys have a mission that was given directly by the Wizard King." Yami said. "A MISSION!? DIRECTLY FROM THE WIZARD KING!?" Asta shouted. "Yes and get yo ass ready. Luck will be with you so he can guide you with your first mission. You guys will explore a dungeon near the diamond kingdom border. Finral will make a portal once you guys are ready." Yami said as he went back to the comfort room.

"Asta, I'm nervous." Noelle said to Asta before they enter. "Don't worry Elle, remember what we've practiced." Asta said making Noelle more comfortable.

They were now transported to the dungeon. Asta looked around and it was the place where he got his second sword. "I've been here, I know where the treasures are." Asta said. "Are you sure?" Luck questioned. "Ofcourse! This is where I got something! I'll take the lead!" Asta said as he started to walk inside.

"Mimosa!" Yuno shouted as he saw his comrade get hit by a crystal. "You'll pay for this you diamond jerk!" Yuno shouted as he requested Klaus to protect Mimosa. "How dare you hurt my comrade you damn spiky haired e-boy!" Yuno shouted again. "Your words hurt more than your magic." Mars replied. Yuno flew around and around Mars but was stopped because he was hit by a crystal. Mars made an enormous crystal sword and prepared to swing it. "Any last words cool kid?" Mars asked. "I won't die to someone like you!" Yuno shouted. Mars swung the sword as Yuno's life flashed by. "I guess this is the end Asta." Yuno said.

The impact caused a loud sound and it covered the dungeon with dust. Klaus was shaking because he saw his precious comrade get hit. The smoke slowly disappear and it revealed a giant sword lying in a big rock. "HOW!?" Klaus asked. "I was about to pull of something legendary!" Yuno said as Asta dropped his brother. "You totally lost to the e-boy Yuno." Asta replied. "Let me handle this! Take care of the wounded with your spell Elle!" Asta said. "Okay!" Noelle replied. "Luck! Can you please guard them!" Asta requested. "You can count on me! I want to fight him too tho!" Luck replied. "You can fight me after this!" Asta added as Luck happily guarded the wounded.

"I ain't going easy on you." Asta said. "Even if you won't go easy on me, you'll still lose." Mars replied.

"Liebe let's use 25%" Asta said. "Long time no exposure!" Liebe said as he gave Asta 25% of his powers. Asta's leg and arms were now black and his hair becomes half black half ash gray. A mark appeared on his face and his right eye became red. A wing grew on his left shoulder as his Demon Slayer went to his hand.

"What is that?" Noelle asked. "Such scary presence." Klaus said. "How could he be that strong without mana and as a peasant!" Klaus added. "Never underestimate us peasants!" Yuno said. "Don't move Yuno. I'll treat your wounds." Noelle said. "How'd you know my name missy?" Yuno asked. "I heard it from Asta." Noelle replied. "So I guess you're Elle?" Yuno asked. "Basically, the name's Noelle. Asta calls me Elle." Noelle said. "I couldn't believe that midget got himself a girlfriend." Yuno said. "I AM NOT ASTA'S GIRLFRIEND!" Noelle said.

"Water healing magic:Life dew." A dew appeared from Mimosa and Yuno's head and dropped to them. The wounds of Mimosa and Yuno were quickly sealed and Mimosa continued to heal Yuno and her energy. "Thank you Noelle! So you learned to control your magic! I thought you were hopeless!" Mimosa said. "She's still oblivious with her painful words." Noelle said in her thoughts. "I couldn't believe our lives were saved by the Black Bulls!" Klaus said. "We are such a disgrace to Captain Vangeance!" Klaus added. "The one who saved us also got Captain Vangeance's attention. He chose the Black Bulls because of a reason." Yuno said. "SO YOU'RE SAYING THAT EVERY CAPTAIN WANTED HIM AND HE STILL CHOSE THE BLACK BULLS!?" Klaus asked. "That's the Asta of the Hage Village for you!" Yuno said.

"It seems that you're ready to die kid!" Mars said. "All I can say is...Fuck you depressed crystal man!" Asta replied as he rushed to Mars.


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