Chapter 9

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Yuno and Vetto was fighting Zenon when a head suddenly flew to them. The head had a familiar face for Zenon. "BIG SIS VANICA! HOW'D SHE LOSE!?" Zenon asked. A bleeding Noelle appeared with Charlotte and Rill to the battlefield. "HOW'D SHE LOST TO YOU!" Zenon said in anger.

Samael got bored with Gadjah's scream and removed the spell that he had cast on Gadjah. "NO NOT AGAIN!" Gadjah said with tears in his eyes. "You fell for my infinite illusion loop." Samael said with a creepy laugh. Gadjah's emotional and mental state wasn't stable so he wasn't able to fight back. Samael grabbed Gadjah by the head as he was about to rip Gadjah's head away when a woman appeared and punched Samael's head. Samael accidentally lost grip on Gadjah and Mereo took Gadjah away. "You were careless alright." Mereo said.

Mereo was approaching Samael when she blinked and saw that she was crucified. Different kind of demons appeared and was biting off her body one piece at a time. Mereo was surprised and shouted in pain. "HAHAHA! ANOTHER HUMAN TO PLAY WITH!" Samael shouted.

While Samael was torturing Mereo in her mind, another devil appeared behind Samael. "Tch, why were you even a Qlipoth devil,The weakest High ranking, Bael." Samael said. "I was given this position by Lucifero. I, myself, don't know why am I even here." Bael replied. What makes Bael unique was he can produce things that he think. It's like Glamour World but in the real world. The problem with Bael is he has a small brain, it's comparable to Asta's iq.

"Should we kill them or no?" Bael asked. "Let them suffer more." Samael said. "Lilith is in danger. Let's go." Bael said.

Zenon got his heart pierced by Yuno with his pole axe.

"I am the man who will become the Wizard King so you chose the wrong enemy." Yuno taunted as Zenon closed his eyes and died.

"You're very brutal and insane for a woman." Yuno said to Noelle while looking at the head of Vanica. "She deserves that for humiliating me in the middle of a whole kingdom." Noelle replied.

Samael and Bael arrived at Lilith's location and saw Nahema's lifeless body. "So they are strong huh." Bael said as he summoned big lions. Patry just whipped it away and killed the lions. "Samael, prioritize the human who has the sword. He's the one who killed Nahema." Lilith said pointing at Asta.

Samael tried to enter Asta's mind just to be surprised with an angry devil. "Hi there, chief!" Liebe said. "Who are you? Why are you here?" Samael asked. "Let's see if you can escape this infinite pain that I'll give you." Liebe said as he put Samael on a bind in Asta's consciousness. Liebe started torturing Samael. "I will kill all of you Qlipoth devils." Liebe said while torturing Samael.

Samael was shouting outside while Asta was laughing. "HOW CAN YOU ATTACK ME IF I DON'T HAVE MANA!" Asta taunted. Samael was still tasting his own medicine when Asta suddenly minced him to pieces, including his heart. Samael disappeared from Asta's mind and Liebe laughed. "HOW!?" Lilith asked in shock.

Gadjah and Mereo snapped out of it. "So it was all a dream huh." Mereo said. Gadjah was mentally dead and was not moving. The only thing that made Mereo move was her strong mental health and strong willpower. Mereo looked at the binded Yami and Vangeance and tried to free them when she was suddenly moved back to her place 5 seconds ago. "What happened?" Mereo asked. 2 demons appeared again and laughed. "Looks like Samael did massive damage, Asmodeus." A devil said. "He sure did, Belphegor." The 2 devils were identified as Belphegor and Asmodeus.

The 2 devils were about to attack Mereo when a strong wind attack had hit Asmodeus' arm. "Don't touch lady Mereo." Yuno said with his team in his back. Take Gadjah away from the battlefield. He can't fight!" Mereo said. Noelle quickly responded and took Gadjah out. "KILL THE GUY WHO IS HOLDING LOROPECHIKA!" Mereo demanded. Yuno, Vetto and Noelle rushed to Morris when they suddenly went back to their original place. "Keep struggling, human." Asmodeus said.

Asta was getting exhausted when Lilith sent a sharp iceberg towards Asta. "My body, it's getting heavier!" Asta said. The ice rapidly approached Asta. Everyone was far away from Asta but only one of them can move in a light speed caliber. Patry appeared infront of Asta acting as a shield. "PATRY! NO!" Asta shouted. Patry smiled at Asta and said his last words. "This is the only way to repent for my sins. Thank you, goodbye." Patry said.

The ice blew Patry's torso away and Asta was angry. "WHY DOES HE NEED TO DIE WHILE PROTECTING ME! LIEBE! UNION MODE RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!" Asta was in rage. Liebe was intimidated by Asta and quickly combined with him. "BLACK HURRICANE!" Asta spinned and hit Lilith and Bael killing the two in the process. "The kid is powerful indeed." Jack said. He was distracted by Asta and forgot about his opponent. Dante took the chance and ripped Jack in 2 pieces while using heavy infighting. "Captain, you gave a good fight but you should die." Dante said to the torso of Jack.

Asta looked at Jack's dead body and looked at Dante. Dante had chills with Asta's look, it seems like he's more of a demon than he was. Asta's mind was clouded in darkness and all he knows is to kill. "I'll kill all of you demons." Asta said in a cold voice.

Astaroth, the 7th Qlipoth demon was about to go outside the gate when he suddenly felt Asta's aura. "The Anti-Magic's Revenge. So it was true that it is intimidating and it was not just a legend. It was told to us that it was the power that sealed us away in the Qlipoth. I guess I have to put a stop on it." Astaroth said

I'mma use a roulette to decide who'll die next chapter lmao. God bless and Peace out!

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