Chapter 8

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"You've been playing too much, Beelzelbub." Moloch appeared infront of the sisters and teleported the attack back to Asta. "Master Asta, this is Moloch. I'm afraid that I can't do anything against him." Beelzelbub said. The mana was overflowing. "Mereo, Noelle, Yami, Yuno! WHY WON'T YOU GUYS REPLY!" Asta shouted. "Haven't you solved it? My spatial mana domination is better than that Beelzelbub of yours!" Moloch said. "This is trouble!" Asta said.

Moloch was creepy. He was using a woman's face as a disguise. He wanted to revive Lucifero to beat Lucifuge. "For the sake of Lucifero." Moloch said as she sent a huge spatial attack towards them. The attack erased half of the island and Moloch laughed. "This place isn't as big as the Demon Realm so I have to hold back." Moloch said making Asta shiver. "He was holding back? Is this even true?" Asta asked Beelzelbub. "Yes sir." Beelzelbub replied.

"It's my time to make my move. Continue the Advent of Qlipoth, Mr. Zogratis." Midnight said as he wore his mask. "I'm counting on you, Midnight." Mr. Zogratis said. "Finally, the advent of Qlipoth shall finish here and the devils would spread fear towards the whole world!" Mr. Zogratis shouted.

"Beelzelbub, proceed!" Asta shouted. Beelzelbub separated with Asta and Asta threw Beelzelbub's chibi body away. Beelzelbub has arrived outside the spatial mana domination and made a portal back to Tokyo.

"HELP! MASTER ASTA IS IN TROUBLE!" Beelzelbub said. Morgen looked at him and took every member of the operation to Beelzelbub. "Teleport us to him." Yuno said. Yuno and Mereo went in the portal first before everyone except Noelle, Secre and Mimosa entered. Secre was about to enter when the portal suddenly disappeared. The portal had cut off a part of Secre's dress and hair. "What the heck?" Noelle asked.

"Hi ladies, I see that you got quite an amount of mana in your body! Say, wanna come with me?" Midnight appeared. "Who the fuck are you?" Noelle asked. "No need to know that." Midnight said before disappearing in a shadow. "You see, shadow magic has its advantages." Midnight said before dragging Secre down to his shadow. "SECRE!" Noelle and Mimosa shouted. Midnight appeared again and pulled Mimosa in. "Is he the reason why the portal was cut off?" Noelle thought.

Noelle quickly went to her Valkyrie dress and prepared her water long sword. She jumped right before Midnight appeared on her foot. She pointed the sharp point of her sword to Midnight and dove. She went inside Midnight's shadow and saw Mimosa and Nero bound in shadows. "RELEASE THEM!" Noelle demanded before twisting her sword making sure Midnight will die.

"I'm sorry but within this domain, I'm the boss. I do what I want to do." Midnight said before moving away from Noelle's sword. "His body is made up of shadows?" Noelle thought. "Bullet of Sins!" Black droplets of shadows surrounded Mimosa and Nero. "One move and 1 bullet would hit them." Midnight said with a creepy smile.

Noelle didn't listen and took a step. A bullet had hit Mimosa and Nero making them in pain. It feels so bad that Nero lost the will to struggle. "Does it hurt that bad?" Noelle asked herself.

Nero was never good at enduring pain but it was too much. It felt like blades were travelling all around your body without even wounding you.

Noelle took another step and another bullet was sent to the two. Nero lost consciousness and Mimosa's tears were flowing like a river. "Wait, he's serious with the one move one bullet!" Noelle thought and she froze.

"Wanna taste the bullets?" Midnight asked. Noelle didn't reply and didn't move. Midnight sent a bullet towards Noelle and that's where it hit her. The pain was too much to bear especially for her comrades. She was the toughest one out of the three but the attack makes her bend in pain. "YOU MOVED! ONE MORE BULLET FOR THEM!" Midnight said while laughing. He sent another bullet to the two women making Mimosa lose consciousness. There was no sign of movement from Nero.

"NO MORE PLEASE, DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO ME JUST DON'T HURT THEM!" Noelle said while crying. She couldn't take it. It makes her feel bad to see her 2 friends suffer like that.

"Shadow hands!" Shadow hands appeared and bound Noelle to the floor. "Do you really mean whatever?" Midnight said. Noelle nodded and Midnight laughed. "I want you to twist your body until your joints and bones break! Can you do that? Or shall I assist you?" Midnight said.

"Where is Noelle and the others?" Asta asked. "The portal was destroyed by something!" Beelzelbub replied. "Tch, She can stand on her own but it makes me worry that someone was capable to destroy your portal." Asta said. "So this is our enemy?" Mereo asked while looking at the Dragon and the Devil. "Yes." Asta replied before they rushed to them. "Stupid humans!" Moloch said before making 3 portals, separating them to 3 groups.

Asta, Nebra
Yuno, Leopold, Morgen
Yami, Mereoleona

"Yo, Nebra!" Asta said. "I can't battle while thinking about my sister's safety!" Nebra said while shaking. "She is powerful, I know that she'll be safe." Asta replied making Nebra feel better again. "They want us to separate so they can do their attacks on their own. What an effort to look for 3 different islands tho." Nebra said.

"The weakest would probably go here, in terms of mana, you have none and I have a decent amount so they'll think that this is the weakest team." Nebra said. Before they could continue, Blade appeared infront of them. "The battle starts here!" Blade shouted.

No announcements so Godbless and Peace Out!

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