Chapter 8

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Asta didn't think so he swapped his and Noelle's position. "ASTAAA!!" Noelle shouted as Asta got hit by a single sword in the stomach. "So you'd rather die than see this girl die huh." Licht said to Asta. Asta forced his self to get up and he successfully did. Noelle's grimoire started to glow as new words started to appear. "Sea Dragon's Roar!" A big water dragon appeared on the hands of Noelle. Noelle's new spell caused a big wreck and sent Licht away from Asta. "Thank you Elle! I owe you a lot." Asta said. "Water healing magic:Life Dew." Noelle sent a droplet to Asta and healed his wounds quickly.
"I wouldn't be alive without you Elle!" Asta said as he hugged Noelle. "You're just too reckless Dorksta." Noelle said.

Licht appeared again infront of Noelle and knocked her out with a single punch in the jaw. "How are you alive!?" Asta shouted as he held Noelle. "You don't need to kn...." Licht's words were cut short because Asta stabbed him. Licht rose up and floated in the air and started to glow. The Third Eye noticed and felt the ominous presence. "Damn, Licht went too far." Raia said as he suddenly disappeared from Yami's sight.

"Next time we meet I'll win." Vetto said as he quickly rushed to the presence of Vetto. "Let me slash you!" Jack said. He was stopped when Finral and Yami found him. "Run! Let's find Nozel and the two kids!" Finral said.

"Licht, it's too early for you to be in this kind of pain." Fana said as he left Nozel with a burnt hand. "Thank God she left." Nozel said as he sat down and rested. He was picked up by Yami and they went and tried to find Asta.

Asta was about to deal the finishing blow when Liebe suddenly spoke. "Asta! Go outside of this cave right now!" Liebe shouted on Asta's thoughts. Asta didn't have extra thoughts and carried Noelle. He quickly flew outside busting the walls in front of them.

"Captain Yami! How about Asta and Noelle!?" Finral asked. "Trust me, just make a portal to the cave's entrance!" Yami said. Finral quickly made a portal and brought them all outside. They reached outside with just Nozel injured. They were surprised as they saw Asta with Noelle on his back.

"What happened to Noelle?" Nozel asked Asta with an angry tone. "She was knocked out by the leader. The leader suddenly went crazy when I stabbed him." Asta said as it made Yami happy. "So you guys surpassed your limits huh." Yami said to Asta as he tapped his head. "That still doesn't change the fact that you let my sister get hurt." Nozel said to Asta. Asta was getting mad at Nozel for being too arrogant. "If you want Noelle to be in your care then why can't you just acknowledge her? You care for her but you let your siblings rain her down with insults? Are you stupid!?" Asta's face was now red due to anger. "How dare you talk to me like that you commoner." Nozel said with an angry tone. "If you do care for her then traumatizing her won't help." Asta said as he told Finral and Yami that he would stop by his home. He brought Noelle to the church since he wants to check if Noelle is really ok.

"Y'know the kid was right but you are in denial." Jack said to Nozel. "I might've gone too far. Good for Noelle that she had found someone he could trust and open up to." Nozel said as they went back to the Capital.

Asta arrived to the church with Noelle on his back. He was welcomed by Sister Lily and Nash inside. "Who's the girl Asta?" Nash asked. "My squadmate who got knocked out. Probably gonna stay here until she wakes up." Asta said. Asta had set Noelle down and kneeled in front of Sister Lily. "Sister Lily, please marry me." Asta calmly said. "You can't just propose to sister while bringing a girl home Asta." Nash said. "I heard that you got promoted Asta. Congratulations!" Sister Lily said to Asta. "Yes Sister! So will you please marry me!" Asta said. "No." Sister Lily quickly replied.

"Couldn't help but worry about Noelle huh." Yami teased Nozel. "I am worried because she is with someone from the Black Bulls." Nozel said. "You know that Asta made their leader in pain with one slash right, the kid might be stronger than us." Jack said as he butted in the conversation.

Noelle slowly regained consciousness and observed her surroundings. "Why am I in a church?" She said to herself. She stood up and saw Asta reading a book. "Asta? Where are we? Am I in a dream?" Noelle asked. "No, you aren't in a dream. We're in my home in Hage Village." Asta said. "Aren't you dizzy? Got any headaches?" Asta asked. "My lip is sore and my jaw hurts." Noelle said to Asta. "I'm sorry, I should've been the one who took the hit." Asta apologized. "You don't need to apologize. I was the one he wanted to hit and we couldn't do anything about that." Noelle said. "BUT YOU SURE MADE HIM GO INSANE!" Noelle added. "Pfft praising me won't make me happy you dummy hehe." Asta said while fidgeting. "You're really bad at lying Asta." Noelle said as she laughed.

"Asta! So your squadmate woke up!" Sister Lily. Sister Lily walked to Noelle and gave her an ice bag to put in her lips. "Ohhh thank you Sister?" Noelle asked. "You can call me Sister Lily." Lily said as she went back to the kitchen. "You were raised by a very nice woman Asta!" Noelle said to Asta. "OFCOURSE! SHE'LL BE MY WIFE SOMEDAY AND I WOULDN'T WANT TO MARRY SOMEONE BAD!" Asta quickly said. Noelle gave him a "Wtf?" face. "Asta, she's a woman of cloth. You can't marry her." Noelle said.

"Food is ready guys!" Sister Lily said as the pair went to the dining room. Everyone was staring at Noelle and she started to feel uncomfortable. "Guys, make our guest feel comfortable! Don't stare at her like that!" Nash said to everyone. The food was revealed to be a Turkey. "NO NOMOTATOES!? OH MAN!" Asta said as he felt disappointed. "We have a guest so food must be good!" Sister Lily said. "Sister Lily, your food is really good!" Noelle said as she munched more food. "Oh thank you!" Sister Lily thanked Noelle. "Where is Father Orsi?" Asta asked. "He went somewhere we don't know." Nash said.

They finished eating and Asta stood up. "We must go back to the capital. I'm sorry for not staying long. I promise I'll be back soon!" Asta said to them. "Thank you for your hospitality." Noelle said as she bowed her head as she followed Asta. Sister Lily stopped Noelle and whispered "Take care of Asta, that kid is reckless." Noelle was surprised with the sudden request. "Ofcourse sister, I will keep an eye on him." Noelle replied.

"Elle, is it ok if I will carry you to the capital?" Asta said to Noelle. "Why can't we just teleport?" Noelle asked. "My swap and exchange couldn't handle something that far." Asta said. Noelle gave up and let Asta carry her. "Hold on tight. Accelerate." Asta started to run. "WE'RE GOING TOO FAST! MY SOUL WILL LEAVE MY BODY!" Noelle shouted.



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