Chapter 2

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Yuno and Mimosa went to Hage Village to drop Licht to the church. "Sister Lily, please take care of Licht for us." Yuno requested. "Not a problem! Good luck on your mission, King Yuno!" Lily replied. "Please don't call me king, you're basically my mom so it's uncomfortable." Yuno said with an awkward face. "Leave Licht to us! Before you depart, thank you a lot! Hage Village is better now that many people are supporting us right now. The church has developed a lot since you guys became magic knights." Father Orsi said.

Yuno smiled and lifted Mimosa with his magic. The two flew away to the Royal Capital. "Yuno, what will happen to Spade once we leave?" Mimosa asked. "No one would attack us since all 4 nations are now friends." Yuno replied. The two arrived at the Royal Capital after 2 minutes. Yuno's magic has improved a lot and it's so fast that it can travel around countries in minutes.

"Tall jerk! I see that you weren't lying about accompanying us! I'm glad that you're okay!" Asta said as he punched his brother's arm. "Have some respect to KING YUNO." Yuno replied putting emphasis on the word king. "I'm royalty my ass. I can defeat you and Noelle in mere seconds." Asta boasted. "WHY AM I INVOLVED!?" Noelle asked. "Because you're royalty." Asta and Yuno said in unison.

The two were slapped. "She's crazy scary." Mimosa said in shock. "That's what you get you dumbasses!" Noelle shouted while laughing. "We're sorry, Noelle." The two begged.

"Master got his ass handed to him hahaha!" Beelzelbub said.
"Dorksta handed your ass to you, stupid high ranking demon. Don't get me started with your contract with him." Liebe replied.

"1-0 in favor of Liebe, you rarely win, Beelzelbub." Asta said.
"Tsk, he's in the lead because he's your brother." Beelzelbub replied.

"My rival! I see that you're getting better day by day!" Leopold appeared with flaming lions in his aura. "Leo! I'm glad that you're accompany us!" Asta shouted. "I still can't believe that you got the Nash kid! He's perfect for the Crimson Lion Kings!" Leo said.

"Sir Morgen! You're here!" Asta shouted. "Pfft, don't call me sir. You're a captain!" Morgen replied. "Hehe, sorry but I prefer it that way. You really look like sir Nacht so I gotta respect you or else he'll haunt me in my sleep." Asta said with a loud laugh.

Everyone except Yami was there already. They waited for Yami in the pier when he arrived with Mereoleona. "Oi, brats! I'll tag along, it's hard to trust you guys." Mereo said. "How about your lava bath? I'm pretty sure Japan is advanced and they don't offer those." Asta said. "I don't care. I can't stand seeing you guys all dead." Mereo replied. "Oohhh, you're surprisingly soft, captain Mereo." Asta teased. "Calidos Brachium!"

They entered the ship and they were excited, especially Asta. "FIRST TIME IN A SHIP!" Asta shouted. They were all in and the ship started to move. "JAPAN! HERE WE GO!" Asta shouted again.

"So Morgen, I forgot to ask. Where were you kidnapped? I'm curious with the country." Asta asked. "The country is called United States. They've got advanced technology there that it could boost your attacks." Morgen explained. "How come that we don't know about them?" Asta asked. "I don't really know but they got weaker magic." Morgen replied.

"YAMI SIR! PLEASE TELL US ABOUT YOUR COUNTRY!" Leopold told Yami. "Okay guys, listen up! Japan got many people and we'll be staying in Yakushima Island. We'll travel around Japan and learn about this damn group of op humans." Yami said. "And also, don't worry, they use the same language as us but they have a different way of writing." Yami added.

"Asta, are you nervous?" Noelle asked. Asta was laying in a room in the ship with Noelle. "Nah, I'll kick their damn asses up." Asta said. "Just make sure you do or else I'll be the one to kick your ass." Noelle said. "Oooohhhh, scary aren't we? Want me to clap your ass?" Asta asked.

"WHY TF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ASSES? LEARN SOME DECENCY Y'ALL!" Liebe complained. "She's the one who started it!" Asta replied. "I FEEL LIKE I'M THE OLDER BROTHER HERE." Liebe added.

"Don't worry, Beelzelbub will play a big part in this battle. His power isn't a joke." Asta said. "Are you sure that you're gonna unite with me in the fight? We still haven't mastered that form." Beelzelbub asked. "We won't progress if we won't fail. It's a matter of trial and error. I'll be using Liebe's power as last resort. I have my transportation magic so that ain't a problem." Asta replied.

The ship reached the shore and they set their foot in the sand of the Yakushima Island. "I feel the fresh wind of this island!" Asta shouted. "Asta, we don't have time to enjoy. Let's go to our cottage or hotel or whatever sort of shelter." Noelle said as she pulled Asta's hand.

A man introduced his self as Hikari Sukehiro. "Big bro Yami!? Is that you? I never knew that you were in Clover Kingdom!" The man said. "Who's Yami?" Yami asked. "Don't play dumb with me, you look like the same young big bro of mine thay got lost!" Hikari said. "Ugh, I guess there's no point in lying. Long time no see, Hikari." Yami said as he pulled the man in a hug.

Hikari led the squad to a hotel. It's the best hotel that they can offer. "You guys are exactly ten. If it's ok to everyone, there are 5 rooms available and 2 people would share a room." Hikari said. "That's fine to us." Everyone replied. The room arrangement was done.

Secre and Nebra
Asta and Noelle
Yuno and Mimosa
Mereo and Leopold
Yami and Morgen

"Petition to change my roommate, I can't stand sleeping with my sister. She'll kill me in her sleep." Leopold said. "Fine by me, I don't care either way. As long as my roommate would survive an attack from a sleeping me." Mereo said. "Morgen, it's your time to shine." Yami said as he pushed Morgen to Mereo and he pulled Leo to his side.

Yami and Leo
Morgen and Mereo

"I can forgive you but I still hate you, Yami." Morgen said with an embarrassed face.

"This is getting good, Elle." Asta said referring to Mereo and Morgen. "Yeah, I see it with my two eyes." Noelle replied. "Stupid, you only have one eye." Asta said. "Oh, I forgot."

Chapter 2 is out. Asta is straight up cold in the manga. If anyone is confused, Nacht is dead in this story and Morgen is the one alive. As we recall, Nacht died in the hands of the twin demons. Morgen appeared after the fight and joined the Black Bulls as the new Vice Captain. Godbless and Peace Out!

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