Chapter 18

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"Liebe let's use 40%" Asta said while Yuno was distracting Licht. "Damn, he got the Demon-Dweller." Liebe said. Asta transformed and was quickly hit by a slash that sent him to the wall. "Asta! Are you ok!?" Yuno asked. "I'm gonna surpass my limits right here, right now!" Asta replied. "You can't be serious." Yuno said while laughing.

Yuno flew around and around Licht while creating much wind. The wind blew away and it was shown that Licht was binded with air. "Wind Binding Magic:Liable Tempest!" Yuno shouted. "Make sure you don't miss Asta!" Yuno demanded. Asta used Black Meteorite and followed Licht's binded body. It feels like he made contact but Licht appeared behind him. "ASTA, LOOK OUT!" Yuno shouted. Asta was slammed hard to the ground and Licht reappeared in front of him and slammed him to Yuno.

The duo stood up and continued fighting. Yuno was pointing his crossbow but couldn't aim properly because the fight was too fast. Licht appeared infront of Yuno and slashed his crossbow. Asta followed Licht and marked him at the back but got sent back quickly to some walls.

Asta passed through multiple layers of wall as he finally landed in water, slowly losing consciousness. "I can't lose here." Asta said while drowning slowly. "Spirit Storm!" Yuno attacked Licht but he was surprised that Licht also absorbed his attack. "How!?" Yuno shouted. He went to Spirit of Zephyr and brought out his sword. He brought Licht to the skies fighting.

Raia was lying down and watched the two fast fighters in the night sky. "The Anti-Magic kid already lost and this kid is about to go down. Licht's awakening isn't even done yet." Raia said.

"Mana Zone:Spirit Storm!" Yuno made an attack behind Licht and surprised Raia. "He's good, he found an opening while fighting Licht!" Raia said. Licht absorbed the attack again but Yuno shouted. "ASTA WON'T LOSE JUST LIKE THAT!" Yuno said. Asta woke up going into 50% quickly and used follow. Raia's face went from happy to worried once he saw a giant black sword in the skies while glowing red. "The timing! It's perfect!" Raia said worrying for Licht.

"Asta is!"
"Yuno is!

The spirit storm finished and Licht had finished absorbing it. The rivals stopped as they realized what was about to happen. "Exchange!" Asta shouted as he swapped Yuno to his Demon-Destroyer that was left near Mimosa. "HOW DARE YOU ASTA TRYING TO TANK ALL THAT POWER!" Yuno shouted besides Mimosa who was watching them fight.

"Black Divider!" Asta tried to block the attack but it was too powerful and it sent him back to the Elves' hideout. Yuno and Mimosa saw the struggling Asta but Yuno took Mimosa away from the site quickly while anticipating the destruction that will happen. "YUNO! HOW ABOUT ASTA!?" Mimosa asked. "I think Asta brought me here is because to protect you and bring you out of the impact." Yuno said. "BUT YOUR BROTHER IS ABOUT TO DIE!" Mimosa shouted as she slapped Yuno. "I'm sorry for the slap but if I'm a brother then I won't let him struggle by his self." Mimosa said calmly.

The two Golden Dawn members saw the explosion that happened and it was clear that Asta is in a bad state. The impact blew the whole lake up and made trees fly. "I just hope that he's still alive." Yuno said.

Asta's life flashed by his eyes. "Am I dead? I feel like I'm dead." Asta slowly said. "Damn, I was the first one who's about to say goodbye." Asta added. Asta rested his head and closed his eyes when a water droplet landed on his forehead. "Water Healing Magic:Life Dew." Asta felt alive and his energy was somehow restored. His body still hurts but not as painful as it was. "YOU'RE TOO RECKLESS AND SELFISH BY TAKING THAT ATTACK ALL BY YOURSELF! I HATE YOU!" Noelle said as he cried on Asta's shoulder. "I'm sorry Noelle if I made you worried." Asta apologized. "You don't know how much I worried about you." Noelle whispered.

"Our two strong and beautiful fighters are knocked out but thank God Nozel brought a healing item." Kirsch said referring to Mereo and Asta. Asta entered the green cylinder and he felt like nothing happened. "THANK YOU CAPTAIN NOZEL!" Asta said while bowing to Nozel. "You still don't have my respect, commoner." Nozel replied.

"Thank God you're alive Asta!" Yuno said running to Asta. "So you got the message huh." Asta said. "Ofcourse, there's no point in returning me back there if not for that one thing." Yuno replied as he fist bumped Asta.

"CAPTAIN NOZEL! SOME MEMBERS IN OUR SQUAD SUDDENLY ATTACKED OTHER SQUADMATES AND KEEPS ON TELLING WEIRD STUFF SUCH AS WE'RE ELVES!" A squad member called Nozel. "These troublesome elves!" Nozel shouted as he made a giant Eagle bringing all the members to the Royal Capital.

They were flying on the way to the Royal Capital when Zora noticed a village that was getting attacked. "Look at that village. It's already been attacked." Zora said pointing to the village. "It's Hage!" Yuno and Asta shouted. The two quickly jumped of the eagle and flew to the place.

"Holy Fist of Love!" Sister Lily attacked the elf when Nash suddenly had a memory flash through him.

"Nash, we're about to become magic knights! I want you to protect everyone here in the church and be a big brother to everyone!" Asta said to Nash while smiling. "Don't forget us Asta!" Nash replied to Asta.

"DON'T TOUCH SISTER LILY!" Nash shouted as he rushed to the elf. "NASH, NO!" Sister Lily shouted. Nash ran to the elf while crying when Nash suddenly disappeared.


Yuno blocked the attack of the Elf and Asta grabbed Nash. "Good job Nash in protecting our family. I'm proud." Asta said as he pat Nash's head. "A-Asta! Father Orsi is dying!" Nash said while crying. "What!?" Asta asked in shock.

"ASTA WE HAVE NO TIME TO GO SLOW!" Yuno shouted trying to defend the kids and Sister Lily. Asta looked around and saw that everyone has poison in them and was dying. "Demon-Destroyer." The sword appeared as Asta brought it up and absorbed all the poison, healing all the person from Hage. During this time, Asta also removed the forbidden magic that was used to the Magic Knight.

Everyone looked up at Asta and was looking at him like he's a God. Asta looked at the 2 boys that she had raised and shed a tear.

"SORRY KIDS! SISTER! EVERYONE! WE NEED TO GO!" Asta shouted as he used accelerate and took Yuno and ran in thin air.

See, I won't do cliffhangers again hahaha! God bless and peace out!

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