Chapter 19

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"Yuno! Try to help that village!" Asta said as he dropped Yuno. "ASTA! IT'S FROM THE BLACK BULLS!" Yuno shouted. "CHANGE OF PLANS! TRY TO GET AS MANY KNIGHTS AS YOU GOT AND GO STRAIGHT TO THE CAPITAL!" Asta shouted. The two intersected and went to their designated locations.

Lufulu was standing in front of a messed up Vanessa and Magna when he suddenly felt that his presence was fading away. "Impossible!" Lufulu shouted as he tried to cast a giant lightning. He looked back and saw Asta absorbing his presence. "GIVE OUR FRIEND BACK YOU DAMN ELF!" Asta shouted as he punched Lufulu.

The marks in Luck's face slowly faded and he woke up besides a tired Magna and Vanessa. Luck realized what happened and hugged Magna. "I'M SORRY MAGNA!" Luck cried out loud and Magna laughed. "No matter what happens, you're the Luck who is my rival and best friend!" Magna said as he rubbed Luck's back. "A-am I still a part of the Bl-Black Bulls?" Luck said while crying. "Ofcourse dumbass." Magna replied.

"Magna, Vanessa, Luck! I'll advance! I'll go to the Royal Capital! I'll leave the villagers' comfort to you guys!" Asta shouted as he accelerated and ran in the air again.

Julius was stabbed in the stomach by Patry in an attempt to kill all the Clover Kingdom residents. Julius was taken to a secure place by Sol and Yami tried to back up Jack in the fight inside the castle.

Yami, Jack and Finral successfully made Langris fall asleep when Nero suddenly pecked Finral. "N-Nero?" Finral was in visible confusion. "Bring me to the demon skull in Hage!" Nero said. "NERO TALKED!?" Finral shouted. "Just bring me to the demon skull." Nero demanded and Finral made a portal.

Leopold was struggling while fighting their Vice Captain when Fuegoleon suddenly arrived with a dragon behind him. "Sorry for arriving late, I had things to do but on the way back I encountered the Salamander!" Fuegoleon shouted. Fuegoleon knocked out Randal when 9 more elves tried to attack Fuegoleon. "NOW!" Yuno shouted as a whole group of Magic Knights sent a whole attack.

"This kid is still young and he managed to make that many people follow!" Fuegoleon reacted.

Nozel and Noelle rushed to their home as they saw an elf possessed Letoile and was about to attack the injured Solid and the worried Nebra. "Regal Spear!" Nozel attacked Letoile without knowing her magic. "Another Atlas." A green aura surrounded the room and the Spear dissolved. "Within this area, the magic control will be difficult for you." The elf said.

Letoile sent sharp pins to the 4 siblings and hit Nebra and Nozel successfully. Noelle was panicking when she suddenly remembered what Asta told her. "If the fight went downhill then it's a goodbye!" Asta told in Noelle's mind. "I know Asta, I don't want to say goodbye to you yet." Noelle smiled and tried a move that will turn the battle around. "Mana Zone." Noelle suddenly erased all the negative effects of the Compass Magic but her brother was too hurt to fight. "I guess I have to do it on my own." Noelle mumbled.

"Valkyrie Dress!" Noelle's armor appeared and her long-pole axe went to her hand. "How could you control the mana around you while the atlas was in position!?" A troubled Letoile shouted as she threw more sharp pins. Noelle danced around like a fairy. Nozel and Nebra saw what Noelle was doing and it reminded them of their late mother, Acier. "She really resembles mom a lot!" Nebra said.

"It's time to rest you damn elf!" Noelle shouted as she tried to poke Letoile with the sharp part of her axe. "Willful Compass!" Letoile blocked the attack but Noelle was ready just in case it would fail. "Point Blank Sea Dragon's Roar!" A water dragon appeared in front of them and it seems like it devoured Letoile as a whole.

Letoile fell unconscious and her marks disappeared. "Water Healing Magic:Life Dew." Noelle healed her 3 siblings and quickly blasted outside trying to find Asta. "Let her be herself, she already proved that she's strong and can go alone." Nebra said to Nozel. "I guess so." Nozel replied.

Fuegoleon and Nozel met infront of the castle and asked for 4 people to come with them inside the Shadow Palace. They took Yuno, Noelle, Mimosa, Yami, and Charmy suddenly grabbed Yuno by the leg. "How about Asta!?" Noelle asked. "He's a strong kid, he'll find a way to enter!" Fuegoleon quickly responded.

The whole group suddenly had goosebumps and chills. "The demonic aura, it's not from here." Yami said.

"Ronne! How dare you betray us!" A struggling Patry said angrily. "The one you talked to is not the one you call Ronne. My name is Zagred for your information." The demon said to Patry. "But how!?" Patry asked angrily. "You were just a pawn to my ultimate plan and it worked on a stupid elf like you." Zagred said to Patry. "I'm doing this for the sake of Licht and his trouble in using forbidden magic just to save us!" Patry replied. "Your leader never wanted to get revenge. I was the one who casted the spell hahaha!" Zagred said while taunting Patry.

"Let's separate ways Nozel." Fuegoleon said. Fuegoleon had Noelle, Charmy and Mimosa with him while Nozel got Yami and Yuno. Yami sensed the ki and quickly told Nozel where to go.

Zagred casted a spell that would suck the life force out of you, covering the whole shadow palace. The elves were separated and they were all panicking.

"I sense the prickly queen's ki! Go straight to the directions I told you Nozel! I'll back up Prickly Queen!" Yami said as he jumped from Nozel's Eagle and ran to Charlotte.

Patry was about to feel the taste of despair when Licht suddenly appeared and grabbed him. Licht put Patry down gently and started to fight with the devil.

I might not be able to update for 2 days so I'm trying my best to give some chapters for you guys. That's all Peace out!

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