Chapter 7

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"NOELLE!?" Yami and Secre shouted. It was clear that Noelle got sliced but it seems that her head was still in tact. "Ultimate Magic:Water Body." Noelle said to the two. "My body is water so I won't take damage." Noelle added. "Wow, that's an op ultimate magic that you got there." Yami said. "It takes lots of mana to maintain a body of water. I'm borrowing the mana of our surrounding since I sensed her a while ago." Noelle said. "Cool, she was aware, I didn't actually thought that they would attack us." Yami thought.

"That magic of yours is troublesome. I wasn't supposed to use my magic but you're better than I expected." Blade said. "DRAGON, NOW!" Blade shouted. A woman jumped from a tall building. Everyone looked at the unexpected jump making everyone nervous.

The body started to transform. Big wings appeared from the back of the person and the torso started to enlarge. Small legs appeared and the appearance of the face changed. The color became red and it grew tail. It was big, it was intimidating. Noelle and the others looked up in shock. The mana was too much. Morgen and Nacht were nearby so they decided to investigate.

"This fight would be better if we're near a body of water." Noelle said. "Dark Magic:Death Thrust." Yami thrusted Blade but she evaded it and wounded Yami's arm. "She's fast!" Secré said. "I'm useless in this matchup!" She added.

"Ultimate Magic:Sea Goddess:Assassin Form" Noelle started to change forms. Unlike the original Sea Goddess armor, this had minimal armor. The armor only covered her breast and legs and her privates. 2 swords appeared on her hands and a crown appeared. "Sea Goddess, what an arrogant name for a spell!" Blade shouted before climbing on the back of Dragon.

"Dragon, use a powerful spell that would destroy the whole Tokyo city!" Blade shouted. Dragon nodded and charged her attack up. "YOU SHALL DIE BY OUR HANDS!" Blade shouted. Lightning started to appear on Dragon's body, indicating that her attack was ready. "GO!" Blade shouted.

"Dragon Magic:Dragon Breath!" A purple huge beam of light appeared from the mouth of Dragon. "MORGEN SIR, EVACUATE EVERYONE QUICKLY!" Asta shouted. Morgen moved without thinking and he hasn't realized that he had evacuated thousands of people in 5 seconds.

The attack went straight to Yami's crew. Yami and Noelle waited for impact while Secré was nervous.

"Demon Dweller!" Asta appeared infront of them and tried to absorb the whole attack. The sword was filled with mana before even taking 50% of the attack. "THE AMOUNT OF MANA THAT THIS DRAGON HAS IS UNBELIEVABLE!" Asta shouted. He made the 3 ran away before sending the attack back to the sky. "LET'S TAKE IT THIS BATTLE SOMEWHERE SAFE!" Asta shouted.

"BLACK DIVIDER!" Asta's sword started to look as big as Dragon. "BLACK METEORITE!" Asta's Black Divider's flat surface had hit Dragon's stomach. He took it to one of Japan's isolated islands.

"So you were the one that Mr. Zogratis was talking about!" Blade said making Asta laugh. "So they aren't wiped out yet huh." Asta replied.

"Are you ready, Beelzelbub?"
"Yes, master. Ready when you are."

"Union Mode:Caballero"

Asta started to grow 4 horns. A knightly armor appeared to his body and was attached to him. His eyes became red and black marks grew on his face. A shield was in his left arm and his Demon Slayer was in his right. "This power! This is a high ranking Devil!" Dragon said. "CONTACT MOLOCH, RIGHT NOW!" Dragon shouted at Blade. "I'M UP TO IT!" Blade replied.

"MOLOCH!? THE ONE WHO HAS THE BEST SPATIAL MAGIC?" Beelzelbub asked. "Who is this Moloch fellow that they were saying?" Asta asked Beelzelbub. "Master Asta, it's a long story."

It was the start of the world and the Demon Realm was lively as ever. The three most powerful devils were united. They symbolizes space, time and gravity.

Lucifero got gravity magic, he is currently sealed in the Tree of Qlipoth. Moloch is the best spatial magic user in the Demon Realm. He's in the lowest part of the Demon Realm, serving as the king. Lucifuge is nowhere to be found, he has time magic. Time magic is the second rarest magic in the whole world. Only 2 creatures should be able to use it and it seems that your past Wizard King was the lucky one.

A war started between these 3 and Lucifuge won. He had his Anti-Magic knights seal Lucifero and us in the tree of Qlipoth. Liebe is probably the son of that anti magic knight.

Moloch became the king of the Demon Realm. Lucifuge disappeared because he said that being a leader is stressful. He left without telling everyone his future location.

"Ohhh, so you're telling me that he's better than you?" Asta asked. "Yes, he's definitely weaker than Lucifero but I'm weaker than him." Beelzelbub said. "How would you rank them?" Asta asked.

"Lucifuge is at top, Lucifero is at second and Moloch is third. The anti magic knight was unknown due to the lack of information. Megicula would be the fourth. I'm far weaker than Megicula and Lucifero." Beelzelbub said.

"I should've waited for Megicula, taming you was easy." Asta said. "Megicula isn't a joke, master." Beelzelbub said making Asta focus.

"Stay focused on the fight you pretty boy!" Blade said as she tried to slash Asta's arm just to be punched in the face. "Don't you have manners? You see that I'm talking with somebody here." Asta said in a scary tone.

"Aren't you told that you shouldn't hit girls? Is your mom stupid or what?" Blade shouted. Asta's temper shoot to the top and smashed Blade to the ground as hard as he can. "Who the fuck are you to talk about my mom?" Asta said making Dragon flinch.

"You bastards should learn your god damn lesson!" Asta said before summoning a combination of water and lightning.

"Take this!"

Imagine Asta using his Royal Slayer sword on the two sisters lmfao. God bless and Peace out everyone!

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