Chapter 22

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The Clover Kingdom was recovering from the damage that the elves made. Everyone was helping to make a fast recovery. Asta was helping in the Royal Capital with Noelle when somebody asked Asta to go to the court. "Bring the Nero girl with you." The man demanded Asta. Nero turned to a person and surprised the man. "Asta, please come back quickly." Noelle asked. "I promise I'll be back!" Asta replied.

Asta and Nero followed the man and they were brought to the court where Damnatio Kira was waiting. They cuffed Asta and Nero's hand and brought them to the middle of the building.

"There were speculations that you, Asta, are in a contract with a demon and started this war." Damnatio Kira said. "Huh!?" Asta asked. Asta scanned the room and saw nobles around him. He also saw Marie who was cuffed in the other side of the place. "Marie!" Asta shouted. "Asta! They told me that I was also a demon!" Marie said. "Don't listen to them Marie, you're an angel yourself!" Asta shouted as he tried to comfort Marie.

Nero was confused with the whole situation when the king arrived and ordered to kill them 3, starting with Marie. Sekke, who was guarding the king, was surprised. Sekke may hate Asta for embarrassing him in the exams but he sure does respect Asta and his powers. "Please don't kill Asta-hah!" Sekke was shouting in his thoughts.

The guards were pointing their magic to Marie and was ready to kill her. The attack was released when Asta suddenly went to black form, growing a horn and saved Marie from the execution.

The nobles were shocked to see Asta's horn and was scared. "See! The demon has revealed itself!" Damnatio shouted.


"Please everyone! Listen to me! This demon is a good guy! He won't hurt you!" Asta shouted. The nobles didn't believed what Asta said and was demanding to kill him. "IF YOU DON'T WANT TO LISTEN THEN I'LL GO AWAY FROM THIS KINGDOM YOU STUPID NOBLES!" Asta shouted as he broke his handcuffs.

"So the demon volunteers to exile his self from the kingdom." Damnatio said. "I'LL GO AWAY WITHIN ONE CONDITION!" Asta said. "FREE THE TWO GIRLS!" Asta added. "NO ASTA! YOU'RE GOING TOO FAR!" Nero shouted. "I DON'T CARE!" Asta shouted back at Nero. "Deal." The King said. Damnatio told his backups to free the girls and to bring Asta to the strong magic border to make sure he is not in the Clover Kingdom.

Asta was about to enter the portal that the guard made but he wanted to tell Nero something. "Nero, say goodbye to Noelle for me, I promise her that I'll return." Asta whispered. "Sure." Nero replied. Asta took off his robe and made Nero wear it. "You're now a Black Bull Nero, wear this." Asta told her as he entered the portal.

"So this is where I'll live huh." Asta said to Damnatio. "The only right place for a demon like you to live on." Damnatio said as he left Asta.

Asta quickly knew what he needed and it was a shelter. Asta gathered materials for his shelter and started to make one. He also needed food which was not hard to get due to the creatures in the strong magic region. "This is how I'll grow stronger." Asta said as he fought the strong creatures.

Asta decided to live in the strong magic region rather than living in a neighbor kingdom because he wanted to be isolated from everyone.

The Heart and Clover kingdom had managed to form an alliance to defeat the devils of the Spade and was helping each other to grow. They were preparing for a big war to happen and was sending knights to learn the Heart Kingdom's magic.

Noelle just learned what happened to Asta and was in tears. Vanessa tried to comfort Noelle but it was not working. They tried multiple things to cheer Noelle up but nothing makes her happier than Asta. She was one of the knights that was chosen to train in the Heart Kingdom but she was also locking herself up in her room until the designated time to depart for the Heart Kingdom.

The Silva family were worried about their sister ever since that day. They had learned that Noelle was getting slimmer and slimmer. She was losing motivation to fight and was also not eating.

"Tch, if I only knew that they met in the court then I could've disagreed." Fuegoleon said as he just heard about the news. "They'll surely regret what they did especially in a time where we are preparing for a big war." Mereo said. "The kid is on par with me. I only won because of my experience." Mereo added. "So the kid amazed you? This is a rare thing to happen Mereo!" Fuego said. "Who wouldn't be amazed?" Mereo asked.

Julius was angry because it was the thing that he was scared of. What if Asta turns his back against Clover and became a part of the Spade. "This is bad news Marx!" Julius said as he arranged a meeting for Damnatio and the captains.

The captains responded to the meeting and arrived to the office with Damnatio and Julius waiting. "What's the reason for the meeting Julius?" Yami asked. Yami saw Damnatio and was mad. "How dare you do that to my men!" Yami shouted.

"Yami, calm down, this is the purpose of the meeting." Julius said. "Why, what happened to your squad Yami?" Jack asked. "Do you remember the kid who slashed the leader of the elves?" Yami asked Jack. "Yeah, why?" Jack asked again. "This bitch exiled him from this kingdom." Yami said pointing at Damnatio. "You shut up you foreigner if you don't want to be the next one to be banished from this kingdom." Damnatio said.

"That's your mistake, Damnatio." Julius spoke calmly. "How is avoiding a demon a mistake Julius!? Explain!" Damnatio shouted and lost his cool. "If the kid wished to betray our kingdom then he could literally end us all." Julius said. "That's the reason that I did that! To avoid the demon!" Damnatio replied. Nacht suddenly appeared to them and was angry. "Anti-magic has the potential to be the strongest. My student is already realizing his potential and is now doing his best to bring out the best of his powers." Nacht replied as he disappeared again.

"Why does he have to do that every single time." Julius said.

The chosen knights were brought to the Heart Kingdom and was now training to be better. Noelle was still down and so is Mimosa. They were trying their best to be successful. Noelle has now learned the reason of the death of Acier and now wants revenge against Megicula.

Asta was now finished with his shelter and was doing his usual routine, hunting down strong creatures and hunting down food. "Hehe, living alone ain't bad after all." Asta said.

This was supposed to be the end of the book but I will continue to write the sequel here lmao. God Bless and Peace out!

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