Chapter 11

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"Why aren't my attacks working!?" Beelzelbub asked. "He's stronger than Lucifero himself!" Beelzelbub added. "How much did he improved after going away for 6 months!?" Noelle said while holding her blind eye. "He's like a god in fighting." Noelle murmured. "Luck, can you move?" Asta asked. "Yes." Luck replied. "Take them away from here." Asta said while pointing at Gadjah, Rill, Mereo, Vetto and Charlotte. "Sure." Luck replied carrying everyone away from the scene. Noelle supported Luck and lifted Rill and Mereo. The duo rushed to clover kingdom.

"Langris, Let's take the dead away from here." Fuego said to Langris. "Roger!" Langris took Nozel and Dorothy's body in the Golden Dawn base with his Spatial magic. Fuegoleon searched for Jack and Patry's body. Fuego shed a tear on the sight of the bloody dead corpse of his comrade. "4 of them had already died just to save 2 people. Nacht had probably went away, it's his thing to disappear." Fuego said because he didn't see Nacht's dead body.

Fuego ang Langris went away with the dead bodies of their comrades. Everyone from the Golden Dawn looked at the dead bodies and was shocked. "Captain Nozel and Dorothy is dead!?" Alecdora shouted. "Langris, take the bodies to Owen. He'll take care of them." Fuego said with a sad voice.

Luck and Noelle had arrived to clover kingdom in Valkyrie armor while carrying the injured. Everyone looked at the people that Noelle and Luck brought. "Captain Charlotte and Rill! They're injured!" A citizen said. "The Undefeated Lioness has been defeated!" Another citizen said. The other ones who defended the kingdom were shocked. They saw Vetto without a leg and a distressed Gadjah. The two groups meet and Mimosa healed everyone. "Noelle! Your eye!" Mimosa said in shock. "Yeah, part of the fight. My eyeball got crushed so I couldn't heal it completely." Noelle said.

"Vetto! Where's Patry!?" Fana asked. "Patry is dead. He died protecting Asta." Luck said in a sad tone. "Tch, that dumbass was swallowed by his sin and he's way too motivated to repent." Raia said with a tear. Raia hugged Fana while trying to comfort her. "What happened to Gadjah?" Potrof asked. "I don't know but his emotional and mental well being is destroyed." Luck said. "That damn devil's power." Mereo woke up and it's the first thing that she said. "Why? Is this the devil's doing?" Charmy asked. "Yes, his power was an infinite loop of painful moments but you'll only feel it in your brain." Mereo said. "The devil put me into an infinite loop of getting eaten alive by other demons. I don't know what happened to him though." Mereo added.

"What's this eerie feeling!?" Beelzelbub asked as he looked at the giant anti magic ball that Asta had formed. "Now choose, suffer the damage of this or surrender. You'll be my servant either way." Asta said. "BRING IT!" Beelzelbub shouted. Asta sent the giant anti-magic attack and hit Beelzelbub. Beelzelbub was shouting in pain but Asta pushed the attack with a giant Black Divider. Beelzelbub lost the will to fight and absorbed the attack.

"No matter how strong the attack is, you'll stay alive because we're in a middle of a devil binding ceremony." Asta said as Beelzelbub regenerated. "You'll be my slave." Asta said as Beelzelbub became smaller. "Call me Master or I'll kill you." Asta said to Beelzelbub. "Y-yes, M-master." Beelzelbub replied in fear. Asta went to the place where he left Nacht's dead body.

"HOW DARE YOU STOP THE ADVENT OF QLIPOTH!" Morris shouted to Asta. "Who are you? And why are you here?" Asta asked. Morris grabbed Loropechika by the neck and threathened. "MOVE AND ILL KILL THIS WOMAN!" Morris shouted. "So they haven't got Loropechika yet huh. Where did you hid and you managed to live through that explosion?" Asta asked. "You don't need to know." Morris said.

"Transportaion Magic:Snatch" Asta snatched Morris' heart as Morris collapsed. Asta took the unconscious Loropechika with him and dropped Morris' heart in his back. "So I guess you still have a heart, but it's placed on your back HAHAHA!" Asta laughed at the dead body of Morris.

Asta talked to the dead body of Nacht. "Sir Nacht, we won. Sir Nacht, talk to me!" Asta shouted at the corpse. "PULL MY LEGS TOWARDS YOUR SHADOW AND MAKE FUN OF MY REACTIONS LIKE WHAT YOU ALWAYS DO!" Asta said while crying. Asta felt a sudden cold air in his back. "Sir Nacht! Is that you!?" Asta asked.

Loropechika woke up to the crying Asta. "Where am I?" Loropechika asked. "Spade Kingdom." Asta replied. "Are you a Dark Disciple?" Loropechika stood up and looked at her tummy. "So Vanica died." Loropechika said. "I don't know who she is but all the Devils from spade are dead." Asta said. "Let's return to Clover for the meantime." Asta added as he carried the lifeless body of Nacht. "Can you fly?" Asta asked Loropechika. "I think I can't." Loropechika replied.

"Hold to this tightly and I'll make it fly." Asta said as he gave the Demon-Dweller to Loropechika. "It's heavy, I can't lift it." Loropechika said. The sword floated and Loropechika tightened her grip. "Hold tight." Asta said as he stood on his Demon-Slayer and flew to Clover. Loropechika looked at Asta in amusement. "He can fly and I can't even sense mana from him." Loropechika said.

"You're useless, Beelzelbub." Asta said. "You haven't even used my powers for once, master." Beelzelbub said to Asta.

Noelle felt the familiar presence arriving to the kingdom. Noelle pointed at the 2 upcoming objects as everyone looked at it. "IT'S ASTA! AND LOROPECHIKA!" Charmy shouted. "LOROPECHIKA!?" Gadjah asked. "YES, LOROPECHIKA IS ALIVE!" Luck said. Gadjah stood up and waited for their landing. Asta and Loropechika landed on the ground and Gadjah hugged Loropechika. "I thought I had lost you, Loropechika." Gadjah said while crying. "He may be the strongest but he is the biggest baby among us." Potrof said with a laugh.

"Luck, bring sir Nacht's body to where you guys had put the dead bodies." Asta said as Luck followed his orders.

Noelle stood infront of Asta. The 2 were maintaining eye contact when Noelle suddenly ran. Asta was expecting for a tackle but was shocked with what happened. He opened his eyes and he saw Noelle kissing him in the lips. Noelle ended the kiss and blushed in embarassment.

"I love you dummy." Noelle said while hiding her face away from Asta.

I have another book in plan hehehe. God Bless and Peace out!

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