Chapter 10

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"IS THIS FOR REAL!? I CAN REALLY SEND AN ATTACK WITHOUT RELYING ON MY LUCK! THANKS A LOT ASTA!" Noelle said to Asta with a teary face. Noelle tackled Asta to a hug. Asta blushed with what happened. "Why did my heart had a weird feeling, it felt like it skipped a beat." Asta thought. Asta heard Noelle's sobs and rubbed her back. "Why are you crying?" Asta asked. "Stupid, I'm happy. Thank you." Noelle quietly said to Asta.

"The boy will surely change miss royalty." Yami said looking from the inside of the base.

*Time skip*

It was now morning and Asta was greeted by a mission this morning. "Why me?" Asta asked. "I don't know, the Wizard King wants us in his office later." Yami said to Asta. "Let me quickly prepare Yami sir!" Asta replied as he dashed into his room. "The kid is too hardworking." Yami said quietly. "You really like our rookies captain Yami huh." Finral said. "I was this nice to you when you were also a rookie." Yami replied as he grabbed Finral by the head.

*Royal Capital*

Finral, Yami and Asta were walking towards the Wizard King's room and Nacht suddenly appeared. "What's the matter vice captain Nacht?" Finral asked. "Tell sir Julius that the Spade Kingdom is attacking the Heart Kingdom. It seems that they are trying to throw out the Queen. We might be the next target." Nacht said as he disappeared again. "That damn Spade Kingdom and their devils." Yami said angrily.

The trio reached the Wizard King's office and told him what was happening. "We must strengthen our defenses Marx." Julius said to Marx. "So what's the reason why you called us here old man?" Yami asked. "Oh right. The Diamond kingdom is about to attack the kingdom. We anticipated that they will arrive today and we needed more forces." Julius said. "Asta goes to the Southeast part and Yami goes to Northwest. I assigned Vangeance and his squad to the other locations." Julius said. The three saluted as Finral made a portal for Asta.

"Sir, an army is approaching from Southeast! Should I initiate a battle?" A random Magic Knight asked. "Wait for the person I sent." Julius said. "But sir, they have 3 generals with them." The Magic Knight said. "Trust me, this person I sent is special." Julius said. "Sir the person you sent arrived, are you sure we're gonna trust our lives with a rookie from the Black Bulls?" The Magic Knight added. "Let him go all out." Julius replied as he dropped the communication.

"Sir Julius said that you can do whatever you want." The Magic Knight said to Asta. "Ok, Liebe let's use 40%" Asta said. Asta's body transformed and everyone was in shock. "I could go all out right?" Asta said. The magic knight nodded. Asta threw a rock near them and used exchange. "Are you sure that the Clover Kingdom will be defended by this kid?" One of the generals asked.

Asta went on a fighting stance when he suddenly disappeared from their sight. "Black Hurricane!" Asta started to spin around while swinging his sword. He quickly wiped out the army from the back and everyone was surprised. Asta changed directions and went straight for the frontline. He went crazy and also wiped out the frontline which leads to the 3 generals who separated and maintained a distance away from Asta. Julius was admiring Asta from his office. Everyone was in shock as they saw how Asta massacred a whole army.

"HOW CAN A MANALESS KID DO THAT!" One of the generals said. "The kid really is something. He is on a captain level, or better." Julius said. Nacht appeared behind Julius and surprised him. "I raised my student well." Nacht said to Julius. "You sure did." Julius replied.

Asta successfully captured the 3 shining generals and brought it to Julius.

"Thank you kid for your service kid!"

Everyone around Asta praised him. Yuno arrived and noticed that he was late for the battle. "So you took care of it Asta huh." Yuno said. Langris appeared and looked at Asta. "How can somebody be a top rookie without mana, and also being a peasant." Langris said referring to Asta. "Vice captain Langris, I respect you but I would tell you that don't underestimate Asta." Yuno said. "So you're fine being friends and nevertheless rivals with a person from the Black Bulls." Langris said. Asta walked away from them and went back to the room of the Wizard King.

"You do realize that those hundred dead bodies were because of Asta. He also wrecked those 3 generals or so they call." Yuno said. "Wait, he did that?" Pointing at the 3 generals. "He sure did." Yuno replied.

"Good job brat! I expected you to whoop their asses!" Yami said as he hit Asta's shoulders. "I also have something to tell you. I'll be assigning your whole squad to a sea somewhere. So we all know now that the Elves are collecting magic stones. A magic stone lies there and I want you guys to retrieve it. It is under the sea and the place is called as the sea temple. You guys got 2 weeks to prepare for it because exactly 2 weeks from now one of their people will attack it." Julius said. "Ok, I'll go ahead and tell my squad now. See you later old man!" Yami said as Finral took them home.

Everyone was gathered in the common room and Yami announced what they will do for the next 2 weeks. "Noelle! If you don't have a swim wear you can borrow some of mine!" Vanessa said as she showed Noelle a bikini that was thin. "Too revealing Vanessa. I want a decent one." Noelle said.

"Noelle, try to master a move that would take us there within 2 weeks. I know you can." Yami said. "Yes captain Yami!" Noelle replied.

Noelle called Asta outside with a smile. Asta asked the reason but Noelle kept quiet. Once they were quite far from the base, Noelle suddenly brought out her grimoire. "Sea Dragon's Lair." A water dome appeared and caged them both inside. "So this is the reason huh." Asta said as he smiled showing that he is proud of Noelle. "I can also move this! Although I have a hard time maintaining this and I need to make this bigger to fit a whole squad." Noelle said. "We still have 2 weeks Elle, don't pressure yourself." Asta said. "I also have a new spell that I will show you once we go to the Sea Temple." Asta said as it made Noelle excited.

Nozel and Yami were talking with a communication device and Yami showed what was happening with Noelle and Asta. "You're really worried about your sister huh." Yami said. "I'm still not convinced that Noelle is safe with your squad foreigner." Nozel said as Yami dropped the call.

I'm excited to write Asta's new spell lmao. Peace Out!

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