Chapter 5

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"You're kinda cute, I have a proposal. Join us and you'll get to date this beautiful, sexy woman named Sabrina." Sabrina said. "Sorry, I'm taken." Asta replied. Sabrina's excitement disappeared. "How unfortunate for you, you're missing out, big time." Sabrina said. "Ain't dating a crazy woman like you." Asta replied. Sabrina felt those heavy words from Asta. "I forgot to ask your name, tell me!" Sabrina shouted from the ground. "You don't need to learn my name." Asta shouted back. "PHONE NUMBER?" Sabrina added. "WHAT THE FUCK IS A PHONE NUMBER!?" Asta thought.

"If you won't listen to me then there's no point in sparing you alive." Sabrina said. Many trees flew towards Asta.


Asta and Sabrina changed places. Sabrina was hit by the trees that she sent flying. "What in the world was that?" Sabrina asked. Sabrina carved swords with the trees and sent it to Asta. One sword was about to hit Asta.


Sabrina and the sword exchanged places. Asta grabbed Sabrina while Sabrina blushed. "OI PERVERT! DON'T TOUCH ME THERE!" Sabrina shouted. Asta realized that he was holding on Sabrina's chest. "Noelle's gonna kill me if she saw this." Asta imagined an angry Noelle making all the water float.

"If you wanna touch it, go ahead if you insist." Sabrina said while doing unnecessary squirms and moans. "You're weird!" Asta shouted. Asta rushed to Sabrina and gave her a straight punch in the face. "Sorry but I ain't a simp." Asta said with a smug face.

Asta was about to attack again when a gold barrier appeared. "You're abusing the woman's weakness." The man said from the back of Sabrina. "Who are you?" Asta asked. "The name's not necessary if you're gonna die anyways." Gold replied. "Cocky." Asta said.

Gold sent some big chunks of gold towards Asta. Asta evaded all the attacks. Gold made a giant statue that's about 100 meters. "Holy crap that's bigger than my Black Divider! Is it? Let's see later if I'm in a pinch." Asta thought.

"SABRINA! CONTROL IT NOW!" Gold shouted. The statue started to move. It was fast and it can keep up with Asta. "It's fast for something big!" Asta said. "Master, you can use my powers." Beelzelbub offered. "I'll try to hide you guys because we don't know their objective. Maybe they're using the burnt island as a sign." Asta replied. "This'll be easy with just my sword." Asta added.

Asta started to run around the air. People were gathering in the garden because of the event. It was also broadcasted in live television. They confirmed that the ones fighting are the notorious criminals named Gold and Sabrina. They are fighting with someone new.

"I'll tell Noelle about the boob thing later." Liebe threatened. "I'll drop you right now if you do so." Asta said making Liebe shut up. "Let's waste their mana." Asta added making the two devils energetic. Asta ran around making the statue chase him. He noticed that the statue started to slow down. "Let's wait for a few minutes." Asta said.

A few minutes have passed. Gold and Sabrina were hiding in a bunker that was made by Gold. "Who is this?" Gold asked. "Don't say 'who is this?' to my future boyfriend!" Sabrina replied. "What's his name?" Gold asked.

"The name is Asta."

The two friends looked at where the voice came from. The bunker was dark in the inside but the two noticed that a man was with them. It was later revealed that Asta was inside. "H-how did you get inside? This was maximum security!" Gold said. Before they could ask another thing, Asta knocked them down with 1 chop. "I'mma hand them to the authority."

*Moments ago*

"You placed a mark on her boob? Smartass!" Liebe said in a happy tone. "What if we told Noelle that you did it?" Liebe added. Asta threw Liebe away from his shoulder making Beelzelbub laugh.


Asta brought the 2 unconscious bodies to the crowd. There were policemen so they took the 2 away to the prison. "Perhaps you're a mage who was hired? Thank you a lot! Criminals are a handful." A police said. Asta disappeared from plain sight and was already at the top of a tall building. "They were powerful, they were unlucky to have me as their opponent." Asta said. "If it was Noelle or Yuno, they would have a hard time facing that rock hard gold." Asta added while looking at his wounded knuckle from the fight.

"Beelzelbub, do you still got the attributes of those devils that you ate?" Asta asked. "They won't disappear." Beelzelbub said making Asta happy.

"Hey, I never saw the two attributes of the two devils. I only know about that one devil with every attribute except for Arcane Stage attributes." Asta said.

"Belphegor and Asmodeus got complementing powers. Water and Wind but the two attributes aren't to be messed with since Belphegor's water cannot be evaporated and Asmodeus' wind is sharper than a blade." Beelzelbub said. "Thank god they didn't attacked us with a storm." Asta said while remembering the Spade saga.

"2 of your 6 pawns failed. When will you contact the devil?" Mr. Zogratis asked. "You mean Moloch? He'll come here once he senses that we are in a pinch, same goes to Dragon." Midnight said. "Don't fail with the advent this time. My children were weak so they lost and failed miserably. I can't imagine losing even though I was the host of Lucifero." Mr. Zogratis said.

Mereo and Morgen walked around and saw a tunnel. They decided to investigate since they detected a huge amount of mana. "Mereo, I've got a bad feeling about this." Morgen said and Mereo laughed.

Mereo went to where the huge amount of mana was and tapped the man who she found suspicious. "Hello Mr. Mage, care to explain your actions, Hellflame?" Mereo asked. The man took of his hood and Morgen didn't knew what was happening so he listened. "Quite an observation for a lady like you. You're stupid enough to fall for the trap." Hellflame said.

Morgen realized what Hellflame was saying. They were baited to go inside an empty tunnel without anyone seeing it. He quickly ran away, forgetting about Mereo.

Hellflame had set the tunnel on flames and it could be seen outside. The flames were wild and they were blue so it was hot. "MEREO!" Morgen shouted from outside.

No announcements so God Bless and Peace Out!

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