Ch. 117 Overhaul's Apartment

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We stepped out of the elevator into Kai's enormous penthouse apartment. Since we were on the top floor of the building, huge two-story windows lined the walls allowing for a beautiful view of the city at night. Despite my nerves, I couldn't help but be amazed.

Judging by the size and style of this apartment, apparently there was a lot of money to be made in whatever the hell he was doing.

"Wow," I said, walking over to the window and staring at the lights below me. "This is... impressive."

I knew what he was capable of, and I knew I needed to play nice.

I was also being honest. This was definitely the nicest apartment I'd ever been in, a far cry from the little place Endeavor had put me in. I shouldn't have been surprised by that, I guess. 

Everything here was white and clean, marble and stone, cold yet beautiful. Not unlike the man who lived here.

"I'm glad you like it," Kai said as he lounged on one of the leather couches. "Aren't you tired? It won't be long before the sun comes up."

"A little," I admitted, walking around the main room of his penthouse and glancing at the expensive furnishings.

He started taking off his jacket and tie, setting them on the table near him. I watched as he untucked his shirt and then unbuttoned the top buttons.

Next he emptied his pockets onto the table, setting my phone, his wallet, and his keys next to... a gun.

A gun? Why would he need a gun?

I tried to look away quickly so he wouldn't catch me staring.

Did he want me to see the gun? Why would he need to make himself even more dangerous? Though seeing him like this, relaxing on his own couch in his own home, there was definitely something sexy about his brand of danger. 

"I'll be right back," he said before wandering down the hall.

A few minutes later I heard him calling my name.

Walking toward his voice, I came to what I was assumed was the master bedroom, but he wasn't in there.

"Y/n," I heard again.

Was he calling me from his bathroom? I had sort of assumed he was a freak, but this might be going a bit too far for even me.

Hesitantly, I peered around the corner into the master bathroom. I was surprised to see Kai sitting on the side of an enormous bathtub, the water quickly filling it up, bubbles rising to the surface. Fluffy towels and robes sat on the counter nearby.

"Here," he said. "I'm sure you want to clean up after tonight."

I glanced from him to the tub skeptically. "I mean, sure. Thanks, I guess?"

But Kai didn't leave. 

"You're just going to stand there and watch me get undressed?" I asked.

He shrugged and crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned against the counter. "It's my house."

"Suit yourself." I turned away from him and stepped out of my clothes, acutely aware of his eyes on me as I got into the water.

Trying to ignore his presence in the room, I tried to convince myself to relax. The water felt surprisingly nice, and he was right that I did feel kind of gross from everything that happened at the club.

I closed my eyes and let my body sink into the warmth of the water, the bubbles surrounding me.

Then I felt hands on my shoulders.

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