Ch. 47 Three Scenes (slight 🍋)

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Pressing me against the wall, Dabi held my hands over my head with one of his hands. With the other, he grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it up, taking it off me and throwing it on the floor. He grinned at the sight in front of him. 

"If you wanted me naked, you could have just asked nicely," I smirked, trying to hide the fear I was feeling. 

"I'd rather take what I want." 

His whole body shoved me back, his chest pressing against mine. 

And he was kissing me.

These were hot, rough kisses, kisses that made me forget that this man had practically kidnapped me. Damn, he was hot. All fear got pushed aside, and the only feeling left was lust. 

Instead of closing his eyes, for a moment his were wide open, as if they were staring me down, so I stared back. I wasn't going to let him win this staring contest. But eventually it it was all hands and fingers and tongues, and no one needed their eyes open to feel any of that. 

Dabi's free hand ran up and down my side, gripping my hip and pulling me closer. He began to grind against me forcefully, the movement making me slightly move up and down on the wall. I felt a moan escape, but he quickly covered my mouth again with his. 

Since he couldn't take my bra off with my arms over my head, he shoved the fabric down so he could roughly grip each breast, pinching and twisting each nipple. Despite the pain, I wanted more. When he stopped, I whimpered. 

"I knew you'd like a little pain," he whispered.

His hand then roughly gripped my hair, pulling my head. But as suddenly as he had started, he stopped. 

With a flick of his wrist, Dabi made a small flame in the palm of his hand and burned off a long piece of my hair, the nauseating smell of burned hair immediately filling the air.

"What the hell?" I asked, coughing, my eyes wide.

He smiled that wicked smile, holding up a long strand of my hair. 

"Just part of a care package I'm putting together for your boyfriend," Dabi said, letting me go and taking the hair and folding it into my shirt. "In case my camp fire didn't do the trick."

"But... what... How will Endeavor know that you are the one who sent it?"

Dabi looked through his dresser, pulling out a white v-neck tshirt and tossing it at me. "That's not for you to worry about. Here."


Endeavor paced back and forth in front of his desk in the temporary office. 

"We're going to murder them."

"Yo, Endeavor, is murder really... Is that what heroes do?"

Endeavor slammed a hand down on his desk. "I don't care what heroes do. That is what we're doing."

Hawks put his feet up on Endeavor's desk, leaning back casually. "As fun as that sounds...the public will want to see the League of Villains brought to justice."

"You think I care what the public wants?"

Hawks smiled. "Even if you don't, that's why you have me."

"It's been two days, Hawks. Two days and still no one knows where she is. And then those assholes to leave this package, acting like they're the damned villain UPS."

Hawks glanced again at the package on Endeavor's desk. The smell was undeniable.

Hair, burned hair. Her hair. All neatly folded into a shirt that they knew was hers.

When Hawks had secretly met with Dabi the previous night, he'd planned on trying to negotiate something. If he could get Dabi to return y/n safe and sound, maybe there was something else the League needed. Access to files, hero profiles maybe?

But Dabi wouldn't budge. He had simply tossed the package at Hawks, telling him to take it to Endeavor, and then vanished, that damn purple mist taking him away before Hawks could say anything else.

As collected as Hawks looked on the outside, he felt panic rising in him the longer she was gone. Was she hurt? What were they doing to her? He was the one who introduced her to Dabi after all, but he hadn't known it would go down like this. It was never supposed to go this far.

He felt responsible but he also felt something else tugging at him.

Hawks tried to shove it to the side, but it was there nonetheless.

He really liked y/n. And he was worried. 

Right now, he needed to keep Endeavor calm or else he was going to play right into the hands of the League of Villains. And then who knows what might happen to them or her.


They assembled in Deku's dorm room.

Shinso, Kaminari, and Deku sat on the bed, with Deku's notebook out in front of them as he took notes. Bakugo was perched on top of Deku's desk, and Shoto and Kirishima sat on the floor.

"Why her? Why then? Shinso," Deku asked, "can you think of anything unusual that happened recently with y/n? Did she talk about anything weird or out of the ordinary?"

Shinso sighed. "She'd Different. Like something was bothering her. But we weren't talking much."

"Something was bothering her? Or someone?" Deku asked.

Todoroki cleared his throat. Everyone immediately looked at him.

"Speak up, icyhot," Bakugo barked. "Tell us what you know. You were with her the night before this happened, weren't you?"

Shinso flopped back on the bed groaning.

"Get over it," Bakugo said, rolling his eyes. "If you know something, icyhot, out with it."

"Yes, I was with her the night before this happened. I stayed at her apartment with her."

Shinso let out another groan.

Kaminari patted Shinso on the shoulder. "Sorry, man."

"But y/n asked me not to go to the police..." Todoroki began.

"Holy shit, asshole," Bakugo said, standing up and starting to march over to Todoroki. Kirishima stood up and got between them, pushing Bakugo back. "What happened? And you agreed? You are such a..."

"Shut up," Shinso said calmly, sitting back up. "Let Todoroki talk."

Bakugo growled at Shinso, but sat back down. "Fine. Talk."

"I got a weird text from her that night. It was her location, so I went there and it was an old building, maybe a warehouse or something that no one uses anymore. Y/n was alone when I got there, but her arms and wrists were burned."

"What the fuck," Bakugo growled.

"She'd been attacked?" Deku asked, alarmed.

"I'm assuming so. She didn't want to go to the police so we bandaged the burns and I took her back to her place."

"Uh huh and then what happened?" Kaminari wiggled his eyebrows up and down. Shinso smacked him, shutting him up.

"Nothing. We didn't talk about it again."

"Wait, something horrible must have happened," Deku asked, "but you decided to just not talk about it?"

Todoroki shrugged.

"Well, okay," Deku said, "I guess that fits. Anyway, whoever did that must have come back that night at the campsite. But why her?"

"There is perhaps something else. But it cannot leave this room."

"Holy hell," Bakugo said, throwing his head back in frustration.

"I suspect," Todoroki began, slowly, since he knew that he was betraying y/n's trust, even though it needed to be done, "that she has a very valuable quirk." 

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