Avengers: Age of Ultron - Battle of Sokovia

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3rd Person POV (Nikita Maximoff)

= Sokovia =

Pietro speeds into a police station

"We're under attack! Clear the city! Now!" Pietro yells. Pietro speeds out but no one pays attention. Pietro speeds in, shooting a gun at the ceiling. "Get off your asses."

Wanda and Nikita stand in the middle of the city. Wanda's red wisps are controlling everyone to leave their houses and evacuate the city

Nikita looks around, making sure the girls were safe


The sun rises over the city as citizens flee Sokovia

Ultron-Bots start clawing their way into the city, flying around. The bots explode things and shoot lasers, wreaking chaos everywhere

As the Ultron-Bots wreak havoc, the Avengers and the triplets start fighting back in order to protect the citizens

"Go!" Captain America yells to people

An Ultron-Bot lands next to him and shoots him

"Get off the bridge!" Wanda yells to fleeing citizens

"Go!" Nikita yells, running through the street. "Now! Get out of here!"

Hawkeye shoots his arrows at Ultron-Bots

An Ultron-Bot draws a huge laser gun and shoots. Wanda puts a red forcefield up in front of her and the people behind her. Nikita warps over to stand with her sister

"Run!" Wanda yells to the people

The Ultron-Bot continues to shoot at Wanda and she is thrown to the ground, her forcefield breaking. Nikita warps and ends up behind the Ultron-Bot, roundhouse kicking the legs out from under the bot and the bot smashes its face against the cement ground

Elsewhere, the other Avengers fight. Pietro speeds through the city, destroying multiple Ultron-Bots

Nikita sprints over to Wanda as Wanda stands up

"Are you okay?" Niktia asks her sister

"Yea." Wanda says, pushing her hair over her shoulder

Then, the ground starts to rumble. Then...it starts to split. The bridge starts to collapse and then is fully demolished as the city starts to levitate

Wanda and Nikita share a look, the younger girl scared out of her mind

"Do you see the beauty of it?" Ultron's loud robotic voice asks from in the sky and everyone looks up. "The inevitability. You rise, only to fall. You, Avengers, you are my meteor. My swift and terrible sword. And the earth will crack with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal."

Sokovia lifts into the air and the city rumbles 

"Tripp!" Wanda yells to Nikita, motioning for her to run over to her. But instead of running or warping, Nikita is pulled by Wanda's telekinesis over to her

Wanda catches Nikita, wrapping an arm around her body when she was pulled over. Wanda holds onto a stable structure -- in this case a car that didn't look like it was going anywhere -- with her grip tight on her sister who was unable to hold anything

With the city steady in the air, Nikita warps away to fight Ultron-Bots. Pietro speeds through the city, demolishing more Ultron-Bots

People run through the city for cover

Tripp Maximoff // Avengers //Where stories live. Discover now