WandaVision - Don't Touch That Dial

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3rd Person POV

Nikita is sitting on the couch in the living room as Vision presents his magic trick to her, practicing for the performance later

"Ladies and gentlemen, for my final trick--" Vision announces

"It's just me here." Nikita says, cutting him off

"Pretend." Vision says through his teeth to which Nikita holds her hands up in surrender. Vision clears his throat and starts again. "Ladies and gentlemen, for my final trick, I bring you the Cabinet of Mysteries." He exclaims, gesturing over to the corner with his wand

Nikita looks over to see the empty hallway. "Nothing's happening."

"Yes, I can see that." Vision says. "Darling, that's your cue." He calls to Wanda

"Did you say, Cabinet of Mysteries?" Wanda asks

"I said, The Cabinet of Mysteries." Vision announces again

"Oh, that's my cue." Wanda says, pushing the cabinet through the hallway and over to the living room

Vision and Nikita look at the approaching cabinet with wide eyes. "Holy Toledo!" Vision exclaims, running over to help his wife. "Darling, do all the other acts in the talent show have such elaborate props?"

"Are you kidding?" Wanda asks. "Fred and Linda are building a moat and a fully-functioning portcullis and no one even knows why. Let's keep going."

"Yes, yes. Where was I?" Vision asks himself. "Um... Watch closely as I, Illusion, Master of Enigma, make my captivating assistant, Glamour, disappear!" He exclaims

"You really are very dashing." Wanda tells Vision as she stands in the cabinet

"Mmm, thank you, darling." Vision says. "Fear not, Glamour. For I, Illusion, vow to bring you back exactly as you are." He closes the cabinet doors. "Abracadabra!" He exclaims, touching the wand to the cabinet. "Ta-ta!" Vision exclaims, opening the cabinet to reveal no one. Nikita, impressed, claps. Wanda appears through the trap door in the back, clapping as well. "Yes, um, Wanda, you're not at all worried that the audience might just see through this little charade?"

"Yeah." Nikita speaks up. "I could stand in there and warp out of there without anyone seeing my powers."

"That would defeat the whole point." Wanda tells Nikita and Vision, looking between the two. "In a real magic act, everything is fake." She looks at Vision. "Darling, the talent show fundraiser is the most important event of the season and it's our neighborly duty to participate." She grabs hold of Nikita's hand and Vision's hand. "Plus, it's our chance to appear as normal as possible while doing so."

"Well, I don't think that should be a problem." Vision says, gesturing to his face

"This is our home now." Wanda says. "I want us to fit in."

"Oh, darling, we do." Vision tells her. "We shall. And we're gonna knock their socks off, especially with you wearing this." He says, holding up a sequined leotard

"Oh, that's actually the rest of your costume." Wanda tells him

"Oh!" Vision exclaims

Wanda looks at her watch and then Nikita. "Well, we better get going if we're gonna make the planning committee meeting."

"That's me off as well, actually." Vision says, putting his cardigan on. "There's a gathering of the neighborhood watch at the public library. And after last night's excitement, I want to make sure this town's security is up to snuff."

"That's a swell idea." Wanda says. "You tell those tree branches who's boss." She says, kissing him

"Yes, because that cardigan he's wearing looks really threatening." Nikita says sarcastically from the side

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