Avengers: Age of Ultron - Aftermath

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**After this chapter, this story will go to my normal schedule of weekly updates (every Thursday) to continue Nikita's story through the MCU**next chapter up NEXT THURSDAY** 

3rd Person POV (Nikita Maximoff)

= Sokovia = 

Nikita sits on the edge of the lifeboat. Most people had been evacuated into the main aircraft to get them to safety. Nikita and Hawkeye, Clint, were sitting there with medics tending to their injuries

Clint was banged up and Nikita had her fair share of injuries too. Somehow, she had managed to break her wrist, though she couldn't feel it so it didn't matter as much to her. But her concussion was causing her head to pound

Pietro's body had already been taken. And for the first time since their birth, the triplets were separated. Yes, they had been separated during the Battle of Sokovia, but the maximum time was roughly three minutes

Now, Nikita had to go the rest of her life without her brother. And Wanda? She still had no idea where her sister was or if she was even alive

The medics give Nikita directions and she follows them numbly, simply going through the motions of what they tell her. Her mind was elsewhere. And the only injury that mattered to her was one the medics could not fix: a broken heart

Nikita's foot taps against the ground as the medics continue to speak to her and more orders are given out by SHIELD agents to other people. Though the three knew english, her siblings were always much more proficient in the language. Being the youngest had stunted her ability to learn the language, as she always relied on her siblings to talk for her. Besides, it's not like she went anywhere without them so it wasn't like she had a necessity to learn the language

"Tripp!" A voice yells. At first, Nikita didn't register the voice and she was pissed at whoever was calling her by the nickname that was reserved for her siblings. "Nikki? Nikita?" The voice yells again

And then, recognition hits

"Wanda?" Nikita asks, her eyes still staring straight forward. She looks around the platform for her sister. Then, she spots her as Wanda looks around for Nikita. "Wanda!" She screams, jumping to her feet against the wishes of the medics

"Let her go." Clint tells the medics as Nikita runs to her sister

Wanda sees her and runs to her as well. The distance was large and Niktia's powers take over as emotion runs high and she warps over to her sister. The two collide on the airstrip, Wanda throwing her arms around her sister and hugging her

The two speak rapidly about thinking the other was dead, if they were hurt, if they were okay. The girls pull away

Wanda puts a hand on Nikita's cheek, just like their brother always would and the hole in Nikita's heart aches in pain

"Is..." Wanda breathes through tears. Her eyes squint with a wince as if she didn't want to know the answer to the question. "It's true? He's dead?"

Nikita bites her lip as tears prick her eyes

"Yea, sestra." Nikita whispers, her eyes locked onto her sister's. "He's dead."

"I felt it." Wanda whispers, brushing a hand through Nikita's hair that was stuck to her face with sweat and tears. "But I didn't feel you...I didn't know what to make of your situation."

"I'm so happy you are okay." Nikita whispers to her sister, her accented voice filled with tears

Wanda pulls her sister in again for a hug and squeezes her tight. Even though Nikita couldn't use her arms to hug back, she nestles her head on Wanda's shoulder

"I love you." Nikita whispers

"I love you too." Wanda whispers back


= Avengers Tower, New York = 

"You wanna keep staring at the wall, or do you wanna go to work?" Captain America, Steve Rodgers, asks Black Widow, Natasha. "I mean, it's a pretty interesting wall."

"I thought you and Tony were still gazing into each other's eyes." Natasha snarks. "How do we look?" She asks, taking the tablet from Steve

"Well, we're not the '27 Yankees." Steve says

"We got some hitters." Natasha says, looking at the tablet

"They're good. They're not a team." Steve says

"Let's beat them into shape." Natasha says

The two stop in the main room where Rhodey, Vision, Sam, Wanda, and Nikita are, ready to start training to become an Avenger

"Avengers..." Steve says, looking at the group



Tripp Maximoff // Avengers //Where stories live. Discover now