Avengers: Endgame - Time Travel

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3rd Person POV

= Morag in 2014 =

The spaceship above hovers over the ground, lowering as Nebula mans the controls with Rhodey giving her directions

"Alright. Bring it down low. Right on that line." Rhodey directs Nebula. "That's it. Down, down."

Natasha, in between Nikita and Clint, kicks a....creature of the planet away from her feet. Nikita watches the creature get thrown, her arms crossed over her chest

"Hey, can we hurry it up?" Clint calls over to Rhodey

"Guys, chop-chop. Come on. We're on a clock." Natasha tells them

Nebula walks out of the spaceship,

"All that, is really helpful." Rhodey says sarcastically to the two

Nebula had plugged in the next destination for the group of three, leaving the ship and standing next to Rhodey. The group says their goodbyes

"Take care, okay?" Natasha tells Rhodey, hugging him

"Take that stone and come back. No messing around." Rhodey tells her, pulling away. Natasha walks towards the ship

"Hey. You got this." Clint tells Rhodey. "Let's get it done."

"Yes sir." Rhodey says

"See you back." Clint says, moving towards the ship

Nikita starts walking towards the ship

"Hey." Rhodey calls her. Nikita looks over, stopping in her tracks. He puts his fist out. "You will see her again." Nikita gives him a small nod, bumping her fist against his. She then walks onto the ship with the other two. "You guys watch each other's six." Rhodey tells the group

Clint and Natasha look back and just smile. "Yeah." Clint answers

The three strap into their seats and the ship takes off. The ship speeds out of the atmosphere of Morag. Clint and Natasha are sitting at the front of the ship while Nikita sits behind Clint's seat. The ship takes a jump through space and speeds up tremendously. Natasha and Clint look at each other

"We're a long way from Budapest." Clint says with a smile

Natasha laughs as a response. She looks back at Nikita who was staring at the scene out the window in front of her with wide eyes. Natasha snaps her fingers to get her attention. Nikita looks over at Natasha who crosses her fingers (in a hopeful fingers crossed way). Nikita smiles a small smile, lifting her right hand up to do the same (which was a motor skill the two had worked on years ago -- but for Nikita it wasn't too long ago)

Natasha smiles before looking out the window again. Nikita looks at her crossed fingers in front of her, breathing out shakily


= Vormir 2014 =

The ship arrives in Vormir, landing on the planet. The three look out the window to see the view in front of them

"Wow..." Clint breathes. "Under different circumstances, this would be totally awesome."

They leave the ship, making their way across the planet and up a mountain. As they climb the mountain, snow falls around them

Natasha slows to a stop behind Clint. Nikita, behind Natasha, stops as well. Clint stops too

"What's up?" Clint asks as Natasha rummages around her pocket. "What are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for..." Natasha mumbles before finding what she wanted. "Ah, here we go." She pulls out a pair of gloves and turns to Nikita. "It's snowing, put these on or you'll get frostbite on your fingers."

Tripp Maximoff // Avengers //Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora