WandaVision - The Series Finale

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3rd Person POV

"Get off of me!" Tommy yells through his teeth at Agatha. "Let go of my brother!" He says as he tries to free himself

Agatha drops to the ground

"Our powers work out here, or did you forget?" Wanda speaks for her and Nikita, red energy in her hands

"No, dear. I'm counting on it." Agatha says

The boy twins run forwards to try and get out of the hold. Agatha yanks them back and the two fall on the ground

"No!" Wanda yells, throwing her magic forward and hitting Agatha backwards

Nikita, without a second thought, warps over to her nephews. She sprints out of her warp, grabbing the boys and pulling them off the ground. "Are you okay?" She asks, grabbing their shoulders

"Yeah, Auntie Nik." Billy answers

"Thanks for the save." Tommy says

"Always." Nikita tells the boys, pulling them in for a hug

"Go hide, boys." Wanda orders the twins, inching closer to the group of three while keeping an eye on Agatha...wherever she was

"No way, we're staying with you." Tommy says at the same time Billy says. "Come on, Mom, we can help."

"Listen to your mother, children." Agatha says, standing off the ground

"Nikki, go hide them. Now!" Wanda orders, yelling

Nikita puts a hand on each boys' shoulder and in a dull flash of purple the group warps away from the street

Wanda throws her red wisps forwards. Agatha catches the power. "I take power from the undeserving." Agatha says. "It's kinda my thing." Wanda looks down at her hand and it's turning gray. Agatha uses magic and hits Wanda to the ground. "You're clearly in over your little red head." Agatha taunts, walking closer to her. "So, why don't you surrender your magic to someone who knows what to do with it?" Wanda stands up as Agatha floats into the air. "And I'll let you keep this pathetic little corner of the world all to yourself. What do you say?"

Wanda's hand glow red and a car slams into Agatha, crushing her into a house. Wanda looks at the car and there is only a pair of shoes underneath the wreckage. Wanda looks around and in the reflection of the window she sees Vision...or, a white version of Vision

"Vision?" Wanda whispers, walking over to him. "Is it really you?"

"Wanda..." White Vision says, touching a hand to her face. Then, he starts crushing her face and lifts her into the air. "And I was told you were powerful."

Wanda screams. Vision plows into White Vision, throwing him out of the way and into a house

"Where are the kids?" Vision asks

"They're safe...I think." Wanda whispers

"You think?" Vision questions her

"I...Nikki warped them away." Wanda says. "I told them to hide." She says, running over to him

And almost as if it was planned, Nikita warps back onto the street in a flash of purple. She stumbles out of the warp, looking around and spotting her sister and brother-in-law

"Where are the boys?" Vision asks at the same time Wanda questions, "Are my sons safe?"

"They're safe." Nikita tells them, running over. "They're hiding."

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