Avengers: Infinity War - Sensing Danger

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3rd Person POV

= England = 

One day. Nikita left her sister for one day (per their usual arrangement when Vision came to whatever town they were traveling through at the time). Apparently, that one day was enough for all hell to break loose...once again proving Nikita's point as to why she and her twin sister stay together at all times

She was strolling down a semi-empty street late at night in England, her hands in her pocket and sunglasses on top of her head to pull back her blonde and purple highlighted hair

Despite it being nighttime and there being no need for sunglasses, Nikita had to keep the sunglasses with her in the daylight and around bright lights due to the Raft. The theory of her captors was that if Nikita couldn't see, she couldn't warp nor could she see the future. And in a very large part, they were correct. Nikita had to see someone to be able to see their fated future and she needed to see somewhere in order to warp there. Nikita's eyesight had returned fairly nicely with Vision's help but her eyes were very sensitive to light since they were still healing

Nikita was looking for a restaurant or a fast food place where she could get something quick to eat. But when her stomach felt as if it was kicked and dropped 30 flights, she was no longer hungry and froze in the street, concerned

Nikita had left Scotland yesterday. One singular day. 24 hours. And things went south. Fast

Her arms immediately go around her stomach as she runs to the nearest alcove in the street to run from prying eyes. Not that many people were around (not that anyone there recognized her) but if she was going to warp, she would prefer to not disappear like a magician in the street and have people asking questions

Nikita leans her head back against the wall of the alcove, closing her eyes and focusing

'Wanda?' Nikita's mind asks through their telepathic link

'Tripp...' Wanda's voice groans through her mind

A blow to Nikita's back sends her falling to her hands and knees. She turns around, sitting on her butt to see who was behind her. But no one was there

"Phantom pain..." Nikita whispers. The last time she felt that...well it didn't end well at all for her brother. 'I'm coming, sestra.' Nikita tells her sister through the link

Nikita pushes herself off the ground with her hands and stands up, looking around. She puts her sunglasses over her eyes before closing her eyes. She thinks hard about Scotland in her mind, envisioning the place well. Warping working off of a memory was something Nikita was getting very good at as she trained in private whenever Wanda and Vision were together in town as Nikita was moving on to the next town on the girls' itinerary

She breathes out before she warps out in a dull flash of purple

= Scotland = 

Landing in the middle of a fight was not exactly what Nikita envisioned when she was remembering Scotland but she wasn't exactly surprised that Wanda and Vision were fighting some bad guys. What did surprise her, however, was that these people were...well, not exactly people. They were like...blue aliens...?

"What the hell?" Nikita whispers, out of breath from using her powers over such a distance and listening to Vision and Wanda fighting

"Tripp!" Wanda's voice yells from behind her and Nikita whips around to see another alien (Proxima) launching itself at her

Nikita throws her arms in a X shape in front of her face, protecting herself from the incoming impact. Her mentor, Natasha, would be pissed if she found out that Nikita didn't just throw her fists up to immediately start fighting but, hey, she had just teleported over 600 miles off of a memory. The purple powered girl was a little disoriented at the moment

Tripp Maximoff // Avengers //Where stories live. Discover now