WandaVision - All-New Halloween Spooktacular!

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3rd Person POV

"Halloween's a magical holiday, all about family, friends, and the thrill of getting to be someone else for a day." Billy says into the camera

"Wrong!" Tommy says and the camera focuses on him. "Halloween's about candy. And scaring people, but mostly candy."

Tommy and Billy make bowls of cereal for themselves

"Where's your costume, Tommy?" Billy asks in his costume which was a red cape and a blue headband around his forehead

"This is my costume. I'm the cool twin." Tommy says

"What does that make me?" Billy asks

"Hmm..." Tommy thinks


Billy and Tommy are playing a speed game of dancing on the TV. Billy couldn't keep up with the dancing game and falls

End Flashback....

"A dorkasaurus rex." Tommy tells Billy

"Not a real dinosaur." Billy mutters

Tommy and Billy leave the kitchen with their cereal and walk to the living room where Uncle Pietro is sleeping and snoring loudly

"Man. He even snores cool." Tommy says. "I'm gonna go wake him up."

"Don't!" Billy says, stopping Tommy

"You scared?" Tommy asks

"He's our uncle." Billy says. "Why would I be scared?"

"Cause it's four o' clock in the afternoon and you're secretly afraid he's a vampire." Tommy says

"No, I'm not!" Billy exclaims

As the boys take a step close to Pietro, he springs up with his superspeed. "Blood is thicker than water!" Pietro yells

"AHH!" The twins yell, running away

Pietro speeds around the group as they yell more

"Oh, somebody better be bleeding, broken, or on fire!" Wanda says, walking down the stairs in her red costume with a cape and headpiece

"Whoa, Mom! Are you old Red Riding Hood?" Tommy asks

Pietro laughs

"I'm a Sokovian fortune teller!" Wanda says

"Wow." Pietro says. "That is so..."

"Rad!" Tommy exclaims

"Lame." Pietro says

"Lame." Tommy corrects and Wanda frowns

"Worse than the costumes Mom made us the year we got typhus." Pietro says as Nikita walks up the stairs from the basement. Pietro locks eyes with Nikita. "Remember that? We got fish for trick or treating." Nikita thinks back...but nothing from that Halloween seems to pop up. She turns her head, sharing a look with Wanda

"That's not exactly how I remember it." Wanda says

"You two probably suppressed a lot of the trauma." Pietro says simply

The twin boys go to sit on the couch. The camera focuses on Billy. "Mom has been weird since Uncle Pietro got here. I think it's because she hasn't seen him in a long time, and he's what you call a 'man-child'." Billy says

Vision walks down the stairs in a green and yellow outfit

"Oh..." Nikita says with a laugh. "That is...that's a costume." She says through laughs

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