Avengers: Endgame - The Real Actual Plan

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3rd Person POV

"Natasha." Nikita says, her Sokovian accent lacing through the name. Natasha turns from her spot in front of the window to see Nikita standing in the doorway

"Yeah?" Natasha asks

Nikita starts to walk towards her at the window as she talks, "Are you sure about this plan?" She asks

"You and Scott time traveled." Natasha tells Nikita. "I think it's worth a shot."

"We accidentally time traveled." Nikita tells her. "And I was unconscious the entire time. We have yet to see an attempt that has worked."

"We just need a little...help." Natasha says

"And where are we going to get that?" Nikita asks to which Natasha sighs. "I think....I think we are betting too much on this."

"It's a chance." Natasha says

"Maybe." Nikita reminds her

"Maybe." Natasha agrees. "But...but Nikki, why can't you let yourself hope that this is going to work?"

"Because what if it doesn't?" Nikita asks. "If this doesn't work, half the world stays snapped and...and I lose my sister forever."

"Tony has an idea." Natasha says

"Stark?" Nikita questions with slight distaste

"He's had a change of heart." Natasha says. Upon Nikita's glare still held, Natasha adds, "He's not the same person he was five years ago. None of us are."

"That's the point of this whole thing." Nikita says. "This whole time travel thing? It's been 5 years for you but for me...for me it hasn't even been four weeks since Stark locked me in the Raft."

"He's changed." Natasha repeats. "And we are going to figure this out. All of us. Together." She says, grabbing Nikita's hand and squeezing tightly to which Nikita looks at their hands. Despite the tight squeeze on her hand, Nikita was unable to feel anything at all

Nikita breathes out, tears pricking her eyes before her gaze reaches Natasha's. "Then I really...really hope this works." She whispers, her voice breaking slightly

"I hope so too." Natasha says. "We just have to make one quick stop."


= Tokyo =

Nikita and Natasha walk down the rainy streets of Tokyo, both in casual warm clothes and Natasha holding an umbrella over the two

The sound of fighting draws their attention over to a market place in center street. Upon turning the corner, they see Ronin standing with a blade towards a man

"What I want... You can't give me." Ronin growls through his mask, stabbing the blade into the man's stomach. The man falls to the ground, dead, as Ronin wipes blood off his sword. He notices someone behind him, and grabs his mask, and slides it off his head, revealing himself as Clint Barton, who has gone on a rampage since the snap. "You two shouldn't be here." Clint tells the girls behind him

"Neither should you." Natasha tells him

"I've got a job to do." Clint tells her, turning around to face the two

"Is that what you're calling this?" Natasha questions. "Killing all these people isn't gonna bring your family back." Clint's eyes water. "We found something. A chance, maybe..."

"Don't..." Clint whispers through tears

"Don't what?" Natasha asks

"Don't give me hope." Clint says

Tripp Maximoff // Avengers //Where stories live. Discover now