WandaVision - Breaking The Fourth Wall

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3rd Person POV

Nikita is downstairs with her nephews, the boys sitting on the coffee table and Nikita sitting on the couch behind them. The boys play the xbox while Nikita half watches half looks through her phone (her phone that was acting up for some reason)

"Auntie Nik?" Billy asks, turning on the coffee table to look at her

"Yeah, sweetie?" Nikita asks, looking up from her phone and

"Um, our game is being weird." Billy says, holding up the controller that was now a deck of cards

"Hmm." Nikita hums, turning her head. "You know what?"

"What?" Tommy asks

"That sounds like a question for your mom." Nikita tells him

The boys start running up the stairs, yelling "Mom!" As they run through the house. They make it to Wanda's room where she is laying in bed under her covers

"Mom, are you coming down?" Tommy asks

"Mom, our game is freaking out!" Billy says

The boys share a look

"Is she asleep?" Tommy asks his brother

"Mommy's not sleeping, honey. She's just resting her eyes." Wanda says, her voice muffled by the blanket

"Mom, my head feels weird. It's, like, really noisy. I don't like it." Billy says

"Resting... Her... Eyes." Wanda tells her children

The boys run back downstairs to the TV

"What did she say?" Nikita asks as they run into the room

"She said she was resting her eyes." Tommy says, grabbing the remote from the chair. Billy tries to grab the remote. They fight over it. "I got to it first!" Tommy says, pulling the remote

"You always get to it first!" Billy says, pulling the remote back

Nikita rolls her eyes at her nephews. The sounds of footsteps coming down the stairs pulls the trio's attention. Wanda walks down the stairs in sweats and a hoodie with her hair back. Wanda makes a bowl of cereal for herself, looking around at everything in the kitchen weirdly

The group in the living room shares a look

Wanda walks over to the three

"Have you seen your dad?" Wanda asks

"Um, no?" Tommy says

"Do you wanna go look for him?" Billy asks

"Well, if he doesn't wanna be here, there's nothing I can do about it." Wanda says

"Hey, Mom?" Billy asks. "Last night, Uncle P said that thing about re-killing Dad?"

"Don't believe anything that man said. He is not your uncle." Wanda snaps

"Who is he?" Tommy asks with wide eyes

"Here's the thing, kids." Wanda says, standing in front of her boys. "I'm your mom. And as such, you were counting on me to have all the answers, right? Well, I don't. I have... no answers." She says, laughing. The twins share yet another look before looking back at Nikita who shrugs. "Zip. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Niente. I'm starting to believe that everything is... meaningless. You're welcome to draw your own conclusions, but that's just where I'm at."

Wanda plops on the couch next to Nikita

There's a knock at the door

"Hi, Agnes." Wanda says, opening the door with her telekinesis and grabbing the remote to change the channel. "Come on in. I'd get up, but I just don't want to." She says with a laugh

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