Hawkeye - Partners, Am I Right?

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3rd Person POV

They hear a voice. "Don't move. Stay exactly where you are."

"Who the hell is that?" Nikita whispers, her accent lacing through the whisper

Kate runs out of the room and Nikita follows. The two see Clint with a sword to his throat "Jack, no!" Kate yells

"What the hell is going on?" A woman, Kate's mom aka Eleanor Bishop, asks. Her eyes land on Clint. "And why is there an Avenger in my dining room?"

"Hi." Clint greets, still with a sword to his throat

"Oh, my God." The sword man, Jack, breathes and he lowers the sword. "You're... You're Archer."

"Hawkeye." Kate corrects

"Clint." Clint corrects

"It's the branding issue, I'm telling you." Kate tells Clint

"And you're...oh, my god." Jack goes from amazed to slightly afraid upon seeing Nikita. "You're one of the Maximoff Twins."

"Technically triplets." Kate puts in

"Technically, they're dangerous." Jack says, his grip on his sword tightening. "I saw what your sister did in New Jersey..." Nikita turns her head: of all people, why was he the one to hear about Westview?

...the group of three sits across from Eleanor and Jack at the table...

Nikita has her arms crossed and her hat over her head, staring forwards and not speaking

"Hawkeye, Maximoff, and I are working on a case and we needed to use the bathroom." Kate says. "He did." She says, nodding towards Clint. "So, we were by the house, we dropped in. No big deal."

"Working on a case together?" Eleanor questions at the same time Jack says, "How terrific."

"He's my partner." Kate says

"We're not partners." Clint says

"Well, we're friends-slash-partners." Kate says

"I wouldn't really describe us as friends." Clint says

Eleanor's phone buzzes and she looks at it. "Someone used my laptop to sign onto my work account ten minutes ago." She says. "Any thoughts, Kate? Hawkeye? Maximoff?" Nikita looks over at Kate and Clint, seeing how they were going to take this one

"You'll never get anything outta him." Kate says. "See, CB-One has trouble opening up."

"Nobody calls me CB-One." Clint says

"I'm just tryin' it out for a second." Kate tells him. "Probably some early childhood thing. He thinks he doesn't tell me much, but he ends up telling me all of it."

"I tell her nothing." Clint says

"I think it's 'cause I'm generally just pretty chill." Kate says. "I'm not like, 'Oh, my God, Hawkeye and a Maximoff Triplet!'" She rambles

"Definitely not chill." Clint mutters

"By the way, thank you... for saving the world." Jack says

"Don't mention it." Clint tells him

"I would like my daughter to start telling me the truth." Eleanor demands

"I logged into your account because I needed information on an actual case with actual people who are in actual danger." Kate says

"So, Kate is helping you with an Avengers-level threat?" Eleanor asks

"Well, not exactly." Clint says

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