Hawkeye - Echoes / Nicknames

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3rd Person POV

Nikita facepalms the second Kate misplaced her foot and fell through the roof of the warehouse the two had tracked Clint to. Now, she looks through the vents that she had gotten into to see Clint and Kate ducttaped to small pony machines with the Tracksuits laughing at them. When the machines power down and Tracksuits have had their fill of laughing at the two, they scatter around the warehouse doing various things

"Seems like you're mad at me." Kate tells Clint in a whisper. "I know it doesn't look like that, but you'd be lost without me, you realize that?"

"I was about to clear your name from the suit, until you decided to crash through the skylight." Clint tells her in a whisper

"I didn't mean to." Kate tells him in a whisper. "Stepped on a bad spot I guess. Nikita Maximoff is still up there somewhere."

"Nikki?" Clint asks in a whisper, looking over at Kate. "That's how you got here? She brought you?"

"Well, technically, I followed her without her knowing." Kate whispers

"Yeah, that's not what happened." Clint whispers

"It is." Kate defends in a whisper

"No it isn't." Clint whispers back. "Natasha was training Nikki. No one ever snuck up on Natasha. Nikki knew you were there."

"Actually, that makes sense." Kate realizes. "She didn't seem very surprised to see me."

One of the Tracksuits yell into his phone, kicking a bunch of things. The other Tracksuits tell him to calm down and be quiet

"You good?" Kate asks

The Tracksuit looks around at the others before walking over to Kate. "I buy Imagine Dragons tickets for my girlfriend, as, like, early Christmas gift, right?" He says

"Mmm. That's so sweet." Kate says

"Good, sweet." The man answers. "Then we had fight. You know what she said? She said that the tickets were gift, so she wants to bring her sister."

"I mean, look on the bright side. You don't have to go see Imagine Dragons." Kate tells him

"I love Imagine Dragons." He tells her. "Uh, she doesn't even like them, you know. She did this on purpose to hurt me." Clint sighs, dropping his head

"Look, I think you both owe apologies." Kate says. "Tell her she hurt your feelings, but apologize for pretending that that was a gift for her." As she talks, Clint looks up, trying to tune this out as best he can

"Okay, wait, I need a pen." Kate tells him. "Just... Okay, okay? See you." He turns and runs off to somewhere

"Hmm. See?" Kate says, looking over at Clint who was still staring at the ceiling. "A little trust, a little communicating, a little listening. Basic human stuff." She tells him, but his eyes are still on the ceiling. "What are you looking at?" She asks in a whisper

Clint looks over at her before looking back up at the ceiling. Kate looks up to where he's looking and sees a shadowy figure in the vent system

"Is that–" Kate starts before Clint shushes her with a death glare and a look that says not to blow Nikita's cover

"You know what I think?" One of the Tracksuits says, standing up and looking at Kate. "I think you talk too much. Blah, blah, blah, blah. She always like this?" He asks Clint who shrugs. "Maybe I rip out your throat. Hmm?" The door opens and a woman walks over. "Or maybe she will."

"Who is she?" Kate asks and Clint is silent

The woman, Maya, cuts through Clint's ducttape upon noticing his hearing aid. "Thank you." Clint thanks. Maya signs something. "Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry. Hard of hearing, not deaf." He says while signing. She signs something. "Oh, boy. More cookie, please. Thank you." He says while signing. Maya rolls her eyes, looking to the man, Kazi, next to her. Kazi binds Clint's hands behind his back. "Uh... Right, well, it's nice talking to you."

Tripp Maximoff // Avengers //Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ