Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness - Final Battle and Where To Next?

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Hope you all enjoyed that chapter! Nikita Maximoff's journey is far from over: I will make sure to update you when her journey will continue and where we will see her next! 

3rd Person POV

The heroes of 838 didn't stand a chance against the Scarlet Witch...

"You're sealed shut!" Christina 2 yells, pounding on America's glass cage. Her voice pulls Nikita back to reality, her eyes pulling away from the terror her sister was causing and back to the problem at hand: they needed to escape

America punches the glass and it shatters in the shape of a star. "Whoa." America breathes as the glass shatters

838 Wanda makes her way over, all bloody and red power swirling around her. Nikita's eyes lock on the figure of her sister as 838 Wanda looks at America

"Enough!" 838 Charles Xavier yells, using his mind powers on 838 Wanda

With the two distracted in a mind battle, Nikita looks at America. "Punch my wall!" She urges America. "Do it! Hurry!" America punches the wall separating her and Nikita and it cracks. Nikita throws her body through the cracked glass and it shatters

"Come on, we need to run." Christina 2 urges the group

"I can do you one better." Nikita says, lifting her arms. She doesn't have time to be surprised that her arms were working again because she knows that she needs to move. She grabs onto Christina 2 and America and warps the group away

They stumble into the hallway out of the warp and beginning running. But then, they freeze upon hearing footsteps

And in runs Strange. "Hey. You all right?" He asks the group. America takes off, sprinting towards him and throws her arms around him. "You okay? You all right?" Strange asks her, hugging her back

Cloak flies in and wraps over Strange's shoulders. "She fixed him." America says, gesturing at Christina 2

"Thank you." Strange tells her

"Yeah." Christina 2 says

"Xavier said I built a waypoint to the Book of Vishanti." Strange states. "Can you take us there?"

"How am I supposed to trust you?" Christina 2 asks

"I know what happened." Strange says. "I'm sorry for what he did. But believe me, the Book of Vishanti is the only way."

"Yeah. Your way." Christina 2 retorts. "You sound a lot like my Stephen right now. He had to be the one holding the knife, and then that knife kept controlling people."

"This Stephen is different." America defends. "He is. It doesn't matter about all the other Stephens. They're not like him."

"Smart kid." Strange says

"Guys, we gotta go." Nikita says, looking back over her shoulder down the hallway

"Give me your hand." Christina 2 says. Strange hands his arm over and Christina 2 takes off the restraints. "Do not make me regret this."

"I won't." Strange promises

"Okay, can we go now?" America asks

"Follow me." Christina 2 says and she leads the group down the hallway

Nikita looks over the railing of a large staircase and then hears banging behind the group. "We going down there?" Nikita asks

"Just follow!" Christina 2 urges

"Everyone hang on!" Nikita yells from behind, running forwards and grabbing their arms

She grabs America first and then grabs Strange's shoulder, pushing him towards Christina 2. With all of them connected, Nikita warps down to the bottom of the staircase

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2022 ⏰

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