The Falcon and the Winter Soldier - Truth / Sokovia

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3rd Person POV

Walker is in a warehouse alone after Lemar was killed and he used the shield to kill the other man. He is silent, but upon hearing footsteps, he looks up to see three figures walk into the warehouse

"What the hell is a Maximoff Twin doing here?" Walker spits in her direction, standing up straight. "You know, some people call you a terrorist." He tells her

"Hey, get off her back." Bucky defends, taking a protective step in front of Nikita

"Walker." Sam tries but Walker walks in the other direction

"You guys should see a medic, you don't look so good." Walker tells them

"Stop, Walker." Sam tells him

"What?" Walker asks. "You saw what happened, you know what I had to do. I killed him because I had to! He killed Lemar!" He yells

"He didn't kill Lemar, John." Bucky tells him. "Don't go down that road. Believe me, it doesn't end well."

"I'm not like you." Walker says

"Listen, it was the heat of the battle, okay?" Sam tells him. "If you explain what happened, they may consider your record. We don't want anyone else to get hurt. John... You gotta give me the shield, man."

"Oh. So that's what this is." Walker says. "You almost got me."

"You made a mistake." Sam tells him

"You don't wanna do this." Walker promises him

"Yeah, we do." Bucky promises back. The group of four is at a staring match, waiting for the first one to make the move. Bucky taps Nikita's shoulder. "Don't pull your punches." He tells her. And before she could even register what he was telling her, Bucky launches himself at Walker

Walker and Bucky fight with Sam joining in. "Don't pull your punches..." Nikita whispers to herself. "Here we go." She whispers, jumping in and joining the fight

The fight was intense. It was clear Walker was hurting by the way he was fighting – not caring about his own body, not caring about who he hurt or how he did it...although the same could be said (and had been said by Sharon) in regards to Nikita's recent hijinks

Walker was using the shield...and he didn't care where he was slicing with that weapon. He throws Bucky and Sam back. Walker slices at Nikita a few times, pressing the shield against her body and pushing her against the wall. "What the hell are you even doing here you Sokovian scum?" He spits at her. "Don't worry...I'll help the world...I'll take care of you." He says, pressing the shield into her neck and she begins gasping for air, choking

Bucky slams his metal arm into Walker's body, throwing him backwards. Now free, Nikita crumbles to the ground, gasping for air. Walker recovers quickly, going back to fight Bucky. "Why are you making me do this?" Walker asks Bucky through his teeth. "Why are you making me do this?!" He screams, throwing Bucky backwards

Bucky hits a far wall and falls to the ground, his metal hand sucking in electricity and vibrating painfully

Sam swoops in to fight Walker again. Walker is about to slice Sam's head off like he did the other man when Sam tucks his wings under Walker's feet and trips him up. Sam stands. "This isn't you, John." He tells him

"We could've been a team..." Walker says. Him and Sam fight again...very brutally. It ends with Walker snapping Sam's wings. He grabs the shield, holding it up as if to slice Sam's neck in half. "I. Am. Captain America!" Walker yells

"No!" Nikita breathes, warping. Her body collides with Walker's, throwing him off of Sam. Her powers were very reminiscent of how she fought around the time of Ultron – with no use of her arms back then, all she could do was body check people. With her very weak body right now, Nikita warps over and body checks Walker

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