Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness - Monsters, Pizza, and The Hex

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3rd Person POV

A monster was wreaking havoc in the city when Doctor Strange began to fight with his magic, saving a screaming girl with a star on her jacket from being torn in half by the monster

"Look out!" The girl, America Chavez, screams, pointing at the bus that was hurtling towards the two

Strange uses his magic to slice the bus in half before turning to the girl. "Do I know you?" He asks. America stares at him as if in a trance before the monster attacks once again, throwing Strange backwards and he goes unconscious

The monster begins to attack America but Wong shows up and uses his magic to save her. Wong and the monster fight. Strange's cape saves America from the street and throws her on the ledge of the building before the cape is taken out by a motorcycle, falling

Strange comes to, scanning the scene in front of him. Wong is being held by the monster that is still attacking the city. Strange puts his hands out to do magic but stops as a gust of wind whooshes next to him

Strange looks over. "Nikita Maximoff?" He questions

Nikita Maximoff stares at the monster in front of the two before looking at Strange. "Doctor Strange. Boy, am I glad to see you." She says, her accent thick to his ears

"What the hell are you doing here?" Strange asks

"Help!" Wong yells

"Maybe we should save questions for later?" Nikita suggests, looking at the monster

"Right." Strange says, using his magic to free Wong. "You're welcome." Strange tells Wong

"Do you know it's ancient custom to bow in the presence of the Sorcerer Supreme?" Wong snarks

"Yeah." Strange says. "I'm aware of the customs."

"If you boys are done, maybe we should get to work on taking out this monster." Nikita says

"Nikita Maximoff?" Wong questions, looking past Strange to her

"In the flesh." Nikita answers, her eyes tracking where the monster was heading. "Who is that?" She asks, looking at America on the ledge. It was obvious that America is the target
"Not sure yet." Strange says. "But we probably shouldn't let that monster get her." He says, looking at Nikita. "Can you warp to her?"

"I can definitely try." Nikita says, staring at the ledge. "But if I miss...prepare to catch me, yeah?" She says before she disappears in a flash of purple

"She didn't fill me with much confidence." Wong says, staring to the ledge where Nikita was warping to

Strange and Wong try to stop the monster from the ground while Nikita stumbles to her knees on the ledge

"Oh thank god." Nikita whispers, realizing she didn't miss and fall off the side of the building. She looks at America. "Hey, you're okay." She says, rushing over to America

The monster thrashes around, making its way up to the ledge of the building. Nikita grabs America's arm and warps to the ledge above. And the monster follows. Strange uses his magic to spear a lamp post through the eye of the monster

And with that, the monster falls to the ground, dead

Nikita warps herself and America down to the ground where Strange and Wong are standing

"Who's this?" Wong asks

"Yeah, I was gonna ask the same question." Strange says. America goes to bolt but Strange grabs her wrist. "Hey, kid. What did that creature want with you?"

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