Chapter 4

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"Can I leave now?" Miss Mark asked, obviously looking so stressed out from the day's work. 

I glanced at the wall clock. It was 2 hours past working hours. It wasn't my fault I had tons of things to do than close so early. 

"Have you planned my schedule for next week?" I raised an eyebrow at her. 

"Uh— I'm almost done with it. I'll submit it tomorrow." She said, scratching the back of her neck and avoiding my gaze. I was glad she adjusted to my style of working, else it was going to be a huge problem if she still continued arguing with me.

"Okay. You've postponed my appointments for tomorrow, right? It has to be a free day for me."

"Yes, sir." She nodded, gripping onto her bag impatiently.

"Good, you can leave. Ensure you're very early tomorrow. You won't like how things would turn out to be if you come late, again." I warned. 

She swallowed audibly and nodded. "Yes, sir." 

I paused to think of anything else she needed to do but there was nothing left. She had done a lot of things today and her hard work definitely amused me. She didn't seem like she could do the job of a secretary correctly but a stripper. No offence. 

"Is there anything else you'd like me to do before I leave?" She asked through gritted teeth, forcing a smile.

"No." I shook my head at her. "You can leave."

"Okay." A wide grin appeared on her lips. "Goodnight." 

I didn't bother to say 'Goodnight' to her because it was clearly not necessary. She turned around and left the office. 

Everywhere went silent after that. I finalized my work on my laptop then shut it. A heavy sigh left me. Gosh, I needed a break at least once in a while. 

I rested my head against the headrest and shut my eyes to take a nap but my dumb phone decided to ring. 

Groaning and cussing, I opened my eyes and reached for my phone, answering it angrily without bothering to know who the caller was. 

"Hello?" I spoke crankily. 

"Hames," Mom's voice swayed into my ear. "What's with the cold tone, as always?" She hissed. 

"Oh, it's you." I sat straight and rose to my feet, arranging important files. 

"Did you forget? You said you'll pay me a visit tonight." 

"Oh, yeah." I totally forgot. I was going to tell Miss Mark to include that in my schedule today but I had forgotten. "Of course I didn't forget." I lied. 

"Great! So you're coming when?"

"Uh— I'm just leaving the office so I'll be there in half an hour." 

"Okay. Love you. I'll be expecting your stubborn-head." She giggled. 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I rolled my eyes, ending the call. 

I was going to resume work in two days. Free day tomorrow (not exactly). After arranging important files accordingly, I grabbed my car keys and left the office. 

The elevator transported me to the ground floor.

"You're leaving now?" Sarah asked rhetorically, getting to her feet, picked her bag from a chair.

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