Chapter 43

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"Hi, Mom." I said into the phone, standing quite far away from Hames who was on the bed, to avoid disturbance since he was also on the phone with his Mom. 

"Hey, sweetie. How are you? How has your day been?" She beamed. 

"Really great."

"Lila and Nikita are here with me, and the phone is on loudspeaker so they have questions to ask."

"Lila and Nikita? Together without me?" I cringed and I heard them laugh from the other end of the line. 

"It's not such a bad thing. We're not totally enemies." Lila said. 

"Oh, we are." Nikita interrupted. 

"Silly. Let's ignore that and focus on the main point: how's your honeymoon going? It should be nighttime in Paris, right?"

"Yeah. Today was really great."

"How?" Nikita asked in a rush. 

I glanced at Hames, the same time he glanced at me then chuckled. 

"Hang on," I left for the bathroom then shut the door. "Well… today was really great. He planned a really cute romantic surprise for me. There were flowers, photos of me everywhere, and an a capella group sang a really amazing song for me, composed by Hames. There were fireworks with romantic words."

"Oh yeah, the fireworks are getting viral on the internet. It was so romantic." Lila said. 

"I didn't know your husband was such a famous man but I love it! We'll discuss when you return from your sweet honeymoon." Nikita added. 

"I also didn't realize he was so famous on the internet. Anyway, today was really great, I loved it and Hames was sweet. I haven't been able to check my phone due to sightseeing and dinner." I yawned. "I'm quite tired but not sleepy at all. I hope it's not jet lag."

"It definitely is, baby." Mia replied. "I love you so much, my child and I'm glad you're happy in your marriage. I wouldn't have beared the torture if something bad happened to you in it. Please return to your husband, we shouldn't disturb your romantic night." She giggled. 

"There's nothing so romantic about the night," I rolled my eyes. I heard Lila and Nikita yelling over something that was clearly meaningless. 

"These two. Bye, I've gotta go now. Momma's got business."

"Bye. I love you too." I said then ended the call. 

I opened the bathroom door and was startled by Hames' presence by the doorstep. 

I squinted my eyes at him. "How long have you been standing there and eavesdropping on my conversation?"

"I wasn't eavesdropping. I just had a call with my Mom. I want to use the bathroom but heard you say you love someone too. Who is it?" He folded his arms over his chest.

"A really cute guy." I shrugged.

"Such a liar. I want to trust you, so I know you won't cheat on me. By the way, you were calling Mia. Excuse me."

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