Chapter 30

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"Imogen, the party is tonight." Hames reminded me, like I didn't know that already. I guess we were sticking to Imogen and no longer 'Miss Mark' now.

I stopped myself from glaring at him but I ensured my face didn't read any friendly expression.

"Aren't you excited for it?"

"What's so exciting about the stupid party?" I scoffed. 

He rolled his eyes, walking up to me on the couch and sat beside me. That was definitely not an action that was comfortable for me. 

"Go to my room, there's a box on the bed. It's for you." He said indifferently, took the remote control from the table to turn on the television. 

I wanted to ask questions about what it was but sitting beside him was so discomforting so I instead rose to my feet and sauntered to his room. 

What could he have gotten me? If I was so curious, I had to check it. Duh, what else was I going to do? Not check?

The door wasn't locked so I strolled in and to the bed. There was a big box on the bed, increasing my curiosity. Without lifting it first to take it to my room or something, I opened the box, revealing a glorious red piece of cloth. 

I picked the fury cloth, letting the lower part of it fall to expose the beautiful red gown. Between the furriness of the gown, I could see tiny things scintillating from it. Oh God, were those diamonds?!

I pulled the dress closer to my face to inspect whether or not the glistening things were diamond. I wasn't so literate in telling whether or not things were diamond but they did seem like real diamonds. 

"Oh my God." I placed the dress over my body and I could easily tell that it was going to fit me perfectly well. It had a slit by the side that was going to advertise a good part of my legs. All I could say was that I fucking loved it!

"Wow." I took it from over my body, noticing two other boxes in the big box. I dropped the dress and picked one of the boxes, opened it to reveal a pair of silver heels whose beauty shimmered to cause delight in me. "Wow." I said again, also picking them up to inspect them.

I couldn't resist the urge to smell the shoes. They smelled new, fresh and expensive. 

I was curious to know what was in the last box so I dropped the shoes and opened the last box. 

A gasp automatic left the at the sight of the most beautiful matching necklace and pair of earrings I had ever seen in my entire life. Whether or not they were real diamonds, their beauty was killing me. I had never worn any jewelry as beautiful as these in my entire life. 

Did Hames really buy these for me? These could cost millions of dollars or something. "Gosh, these are amazing." I voiced out, almost drooling over them.

"So you like it?"

I flinched at the deepness of Hames' voice. I quickly jerked my head in the direction of his voice, only noticing his presence; leaning against the door frame with his arms folded across his chest. 

He started walking towards me then stopped right beside me, glancing at the dress. "It'd definitely look good on you. Take them to your room. Someone would be here to do your makeup and hair by 4pm sharp, though you're naturally beautiful."

"Thank you for the dress and shoes." I chose to ignore his compliment, arching my back to return the dress and shoes into their respective boxes, covered the box again, lifting it from the bed.

As fast as I could, I walked away from the room, not wanting to spend another minute there with him. 


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