Chapter 38

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There was a knock on the bedroom door. I raised my head from my phone. "Come in." 

The doorknob turned then the door was pushed inwards. A petite redhead with hazel eyes strolled in and sauntered to me. 

"Good afternoon. I'm Faith Daniel, your personal maid." She introduced herself with a polite bow of her head. 

"Oh…" I trailed off, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. "Why do I need a personal Maid?"

She wore an angelic smile that made me love her immediately. "To help you out with anything you'd need, help you out with your dress, your hair, everything. We can be friends too." She winked. 


"Oh, I'm sorry, ma'am. If you're not—"

"It's okay. And don't call me 'Ma'am', I'm Imogen Mark." Mark? Wasn't it supposed to be Imogen Hendrix now? Thinking about that made me cringe. 

She lifted an eyebrow. "Is there a problem?" 

"No, not at all. It'd be really cool to have a friend by my side everyday. This house is damn boring. By the way, where's Hames?" I hadn't seen that weird man all day long. It wasn't like I wanted him to be around me but I needed to know whether or not he was home. How could he leave without letting me know? Not like I care either, just curious. 

"Hames?" She quirked an eyebrow. 

"Yeah, Hames. Hames Hendrix." Didn't she know him?

"Uh…" she scratched the back of her neck. "I don't… I'm new in this section. Is he your husband?" 

"Yes, my husband." Husband? It made me cringe again. 

"Oh, the boss. I think I heard Daisy say he's in the office in this house." She smiled again. 

"Oh, okay." I nodded. 

"Is there anything you'd like me to bring or do for you?" 

"Hmm…" I trailed off to think of anything but there was nothing. "No, thank you." 

"Okay. The Head Maid said there's a red button on your bedside table. You can press the button to call for me whenever you want." 

"Sure, no problem. Bye."

"Bye." She turned around and took her leave. 

What a boring married life with a boring man. 

I rose from the couch in the room and left for the home office. 

I gave the door a slight knock and was suddenly feeling nervous. There was no reason to be nervous, right? I was simply going to Hames for… wait, for what? There was no valid reason. I wasn't missing his presence, was I? That wasn't possible at all.

"Who is it?" Hames' deep voice vibrated from inside, making me more nervous. 

"Uh…" If I went to him, he was going to think I needed his attention. I twirled around to leave. 

"Imogen?" His voice made me stop in my tracks.

I sighed, pivoted and opened the door, shambling in. 

"You don't have to knock, you can come in whenever you want. Do you need something?" 

I shut the door behind me and shuffled to him, taking a seat on the chair I had sat on when I made the most stupid decision of my life by signing a contract without reading it. I still hadn't read the weird contract. 

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