Chapter 25

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I barged to the living room. Hames was on the sofa opposite the television. Though the television was turned on to an obviously romantic-comedy, he wasn't watching it but had his attention focused on his laptop, hitting its keys with his fingers aggressively. 

I stopped right in front of him, standing in akimbo and held my phone up to face him.

I was about to call him Mr Hendrix but I remembered he had said I could call him Hames. "Hames, please I need an explanation."

He didn't raise his head from the laptop, totally ignoring me. 

"Hello?" I frowned, waving my hand. 

Still no response.

"Have you gone online today?!" I barked. 

My loudness definitely drew his attention as he slowly raised his head to me, wearing the most bored expression I had ever seen anyone wear. 

"So what?" He replied indifferently, returning his gaze to his laptop's screen.

"So what?" I huffed, unable to believe my ears. "My dignity, public image is at stake here, Mister."

"The Internet spreads things a lot. People are always ready to spread rumors." He reached for a piece of apple in a bowl of sliced apples beside him.

"Internet? Okay, explain the videos." I folded my arms across my chest, ignoring how that caused my enormous breast to puff out. 

"What videos?" He still didn't lift his head from the laptop, typing even faster. 

"This." I clicked on the video, turning my phone's screen to him. 

He still didn't look up, increasing the level of my frustration. "You're not going to ignore me, sir." I declared.

He acted as though he hadn't heard a word I said, squinting his eyes at the screen of his laptop like he had just caught the view of the most quizzical thing in the world. 

"Hames!" I exclaimed. 

He raised his head, a stern frown lingered on his face. "Can't you see I'm busy, woman?" He sneered, "and you should be too." 

"You've seen the video?" I asked, feeling a kind of anger I had never felt before, boiling in me. 

"Nope, and I'm not interested." He returned his gaze and fingers to the laptops screen and keys respectively. 

I rumbled, clenching my fist. Without thinking twice, I plopped myself on the spot of the sofa between him and his bowl of apples. He still didn't say anything, only cast me a sideways glance and returned to his work on his laptop. 

He was further growing my frustration. I clicked on the video again to re-play, holding the phone between his face and the laptop. 

He looked at me with a confused eyebrow. "What's going on here, Miss Mark?" He asked, setting his laptop aside, just the perfect time for the video to play, she's my woman.

He fixed his eyes on my phone's screen for a while before turning his head to me. "You're only being silly by believing what you see on the internet as well. I only had to say that because an ugly man was trying to harass you, I made him think you're my girlfriend so my anger was going to be meaningful.

"I hate female harassment, it's a terrible thing." He held my hand which held the phone, sending a series of tingling sensations through my spine, lowering the hand to the sofa.

He inched closer to me, placing his second hand on my other side so he faced me as his arm slightly brushed mine, leading me into perplexion as my breath seized, cutting me out of oxygen at the effect of his mesmerizing skin contact.

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