Chapter 51

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"Amanda?" He repeated.

"Yes. I'm sure she's behind this. I don't trust that crazy friend of yours." I nodded. "She's the only one I can suspect right now."

Hames laughed. "You must be mistaken. I'm certain Amanda wouldn't do anything as stupid as this."

"Oh, really?" I scoffed. "She's a devil in disguise. Didn't you see how she was smiling while you were around but the second you left, she revealed her demon to me, claiming to love you and I have to stay away."

He ended his laughter. "Okay, I agree Amanda might be crazy sometimes but I know she can't be behind this."

"How can you be certain?" I glowered, hating the stupid trust he had for her.

"We've been best friends for ten years so of course I know her well enough to know she can't do this."

"I'm certain she is behind this. She wants you to think I'm crazy then lock me up in a mental hospital so she'll take my place but I won't let that happen. I'll be your wife for as long as I live and there's nothing she can do about it." I didn't care that I was raising my voice, I was beyond frustrated. "I can't believe you're trusting a psychopath 'Female' best friend over your 'wife'." I air-quoted, climbing off the bed.

"Where are you going?"

"To sleep in my friends' room, my best friends that won't try to make my wife go crazy to take her position." I scoffed, taking a pillow.

He chuckled, leaning back in the bed. "I know you would still go if I apologize. When will you ever be less stubborn?"

"Maybe when you start to trust me."

"I trust you. You're failing to understand that I know Amanda more than you do."

"Maybe ten years isn't enough to know a person's true identity."

"Okay, if it makes you happy, Amanda is also coming with Mom for the family dinner tomorrow— today, so we'll question her."

"And you think she'll confess so easily?" I rolled my eyes. "Bye."

"Don't forget to be ready for work in the morning, we have a lot to do. Just know if I die when you wake up, it's simply because you didn't sleep beside me tonight and it'll be all your fault, drama Queen."

I ignored him and left the room for Faith's room.


"Imogen," there was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Yes, Faith?"

"Your husband needs you to hurry up. You're late for work now, Nikita and Lila already left. You've been there for hours now."

"Tell him to leave, I'll meet him at the office." I sank deeper into the bathtub.

She sighed. "He said he isn't leaving without you and would come in to get you out if you don't come out in five minutes. Please come out. If I return to him with the same story, he'll vent his anger out on me."

I sighed too. "Fine, fine, I'm coming."

"Thank God!"

I stepped out of the bathtub and left the bathroom with a towel around me.

"Jeez, I can't believe you're this stubborn because you're probably mad at him." She almost rolled her eyes.

"Sorry to bother you, I really don't want to see his face if he keeps on frustrating my life."

"Your clothes are on the bed. Your breakfast must be cold now." She left her room.

I quickly got rid of the towel and changed into my sensible office wear.

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