Chapter 31

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"Thank you so much, I received it earlier today and I'm damn grateful." Lila said from the other end of the line. 

"It's nothing."

"Are you kidding me? Another $10,000?! I'm certain it's got something to do with your boss, let him know I'm very grateful. The Doctor has assured me that Mom's surgery would be great and she'd be fine on or before next week."

"Really?" A grin appeared on my lips. 

"Yes. And I can notice the improvement in her health, she's doing really great and it's all thanks to you and God. Our Mother would be fine soon."

"Wow, I'm super excited!" I squealed, feeling the greatest form of joy building up in my belly. I was beyond exhilarated. I really wanted to jump on the couch and scream my internals out to express this triumph.

"If it's got anything to do with your boss, please thank him a million times and give him a chance.  I'll call you later. Bye."

Whether or not I had admitted it, I had been so scared of Mia dying. She was the only family I had left except Lila, a very precious mother I couldn't bear to lose. 

Hames strolled out of his room, pulling his travel bags with him then kept them beside mine. 

"What's with the grinning face?" He drew his eyebrows together. 

I didn't realize what I was doing immediately but I threw my arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. I knew I had worked for the money he had given me but I was glad I was able to get them from him by doing simple things, and Mia was going to be fine soon through the help of the money, so of course he deserved a hug.

"Thank you, thank you so much." I tightened the hug. Tears of joy leaked from my eyes and I couldn't control, I think it got his shirt wet. 

"Are you crying?" He returned the hug. 

I didn't reply to him, still hugging him really tight. "Thank you, she'll be fine soon."

"I'd love to know what's the reason for it but you need to know how great and fulfilled I'm feeling right now as you're hugging me. And it happened voluntarily, I didn't force you." 

I pulled apart from the hug, wiping my tears of joy away from my face. "Sorry about that." I chuckled. The grin I was wearing couldn't leave my lips, expressing the extreme excitement bouncing in and out of my internals. 

"Sorry? Are you kidding me? You've given me a wonderful gift and I'll definitely smile all day long."

I chuckled.

"May I know the reason for the hug?"

"You don't have to." I laughed. 

"Okay, no problem. As long as it makes you hug me and might probably lead to a kiss from you, I don't need to know."

I laughed again, though it wasn't so funny; everything was funny to me at the moment and deserved my laughter.

I was blissful; Mia was going to be fine soon. I had been so worried about her health. I didn't want her to die, she hadn't enjoyed the reward of her labour on me and Lila yet.

"Can we leave now?" He asked. 

"Sure, why not? What are we supposed to do? Not leave and live here?" I laughed again. It was crystal clear that my joy knew no bounds. 

"We can if you want." 

"Nope. Let's go." I attempted to hold my travel bags but he stopped me. 

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