Chapter 80

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"My baby," Imogen dropped to the floor, breaking into tears. "Nothing must happen to my Tristan." 

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to our son." I crouched beside her.

"If anything terrible happens to him, I swear I'll kill myself." She cried.

"Stop saying nonsense! Nothing will happen to him and you're not going to kill yourself."

"I will," she buried her head in her palm. "Do you know how hard it was to survive through those months to have him?"

"Daisy, please take her to her room. I'll try to find Tristan." 

"Don't you dare touch me," She pointed her index finger at Daisy. How was it even Daisy's fault? But I understood she wasn't in her right state of mind at the moment so I ignored that.

"Jeez, Imogen." I rose to my feet and effortlessly pulled her up by her arm and led her to the chair. 

I reached for my phone in my pocket and dialed Nikita's phone. Since Lila wasn't here to be with her and Mom and Mia had arranged to travel out of the country tonight as well and would've left, she was the only one left.

After a few rings, she answered the call. "Hi, Hames." She sounded very happy. 

"I'm sorry to disturb you or anything but it's really urgent."

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?" Her happy voice was replaced with worry.

"Yeah… we returned home but Tristan and the nanny aren't here anymore."

"Tristan?! Oh no, what happened?"

"Someone said the nanny had said she was bringing him to us but she didn't."

"This is so terrible." 

"If it won't disturb you, I need you to be with Imogen while I go in search of Tristan, so she doesn't hurt herself."

"I'll be there right away!" She ended the call without another word. 

I cupped Imogen's face. "Don't worry, I promise to find Tristan. Nothing would happen to our child."

"He has to return." Her chest was rising and falling rapidly with her eyes widened and leaking so much tears.

"He will." 

"I know this has something to do with Sam." She held my hands that were still cupping her face. "Yes… yes, those people are crazy. They could have contacted Stella to harm our Tristan." Her body was vibrating as she spoke. "I'm coming with you."

She tried to stand but I pushed her back to sit. "You're not. Stop saying nonsense. You know Sam can't contact anyone anymore. Just sit here, I'll make sure Tristan is found."

She broke into another round of tears. "My poor Tristan… the environment wouldn't be so good for him. He has to be found." 

"He will be." I pecked her forehead. "Daisy, make sure she doesn't do anything crazy, make sure she's safe." I said then scurried out of the house. 

I ran to the only security guard by the gate who was smiling while drinking coffee and watching a movie from his phone; sitting comfortably after failing at his job. My fists clenched and I stopped myself from grabbing him by his collar and hitting him.

"You've failed terribly!" I barked, making him flinch with his cup of coffee flying above his head and his coffee spilled to the floor. 

"Wh-what?" He asked, startled. 

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