Chapter 54

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"Hey, sweetheart." Hames' sweet voice drove me out of my slumber.

I stretched my arm, yawning.

Staring at a shirtless Hames and realizing I was still naked reminded me of last night and I couldn't help the blush that flushed my face.

"From that blush, I can tell what you're thinking." He sat on the bed, dropping the tray of food he had on it. "Breakfast in bed."

I sat up straight, covering my chest with the duvet. "This is very sweet of you but I don't like eating without brushing my teeth and taking a bath first. You should've known that since you stalked me."

"Oh… I guess I didn't stalk you enough then. How 'bout coffee?" He lifted a mug of coffee from the tray.

I shrugged, accepting the mug from him. "There's an exception to coffee."

"Last night was the first time I've ever made love to anyone in my entire life."

I felt heat rise up in my cheeks again but still rolled my eyes. "Coming from the playboy?" I scoffed, taking a sip of the coffee.

"You need to understand that there's a big difference between having sex and making love. Last night was the latter. I had the best night of my life and it's all thanks to you. The happiness from hearing those three words from you will last for a really long time. I love you so much, baby."

I nodded, taking another sip of the coffee.

"You should freshen up. Your food might be cold when you're done dressing so I'll ask Faith to make you a new one."

"No, never mind. I'll make breakfast for us."

"You'll make breakfast?" He lifted an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you'll love it."

He left the room. I finished drinking the coffee, returned the mug to the tray then left for the bathroom for my morning rituals.

I did my morning skincare and haircare routine then wore a very short, strapless dress that showed off half of my breasts, just the way I loved it.

After grabbing my phone, I left for the kitchen. Nikita, Lila and Faith were already in it, either eating chips, drinking water or juice.

"So you're all holding a meeting against me in the kitchen?" I joked.

"Nah, we met each other here and Faith just arrived." Nikita explained.

"Oh, Faith. I didn't see you after returning from work yesterday." I noticed her red hair was very disheveled and she looked really tired. "What's wrong?"

"Uh… I— I had to attend to some personal issues. I took permission from the Head Maid, I thought she already told you."

"The head maid? She quit her job last night." I remembered that.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She smiled shortly.

"Is anything wrong?" I asked with concern. She simply shook her head and left the kitchen.

"Weirdo. Anyway, please tell any of your drivers to send my bags to my house, I'm too tired to go through that stress."

"Me too."

"Sure, whatever." I grinned, taking out the ingredients I was going to need, dropping them on the counter.

"You want to cook?" Nikita asked in disbelief.

"Obviously, yes."

"We already ate breakfast."

"I'm cooking for myself and Hames, I have no business with you two."

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